Surnames Beginning with Z
Zahn, Katrina (bride), was married to Dietrich Gerhard Frels (groom) on August 20, 1878, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book F, page 70)
Zancek, Rosalia (bride), was married to Florian Baruch (groom) on November 8, 1880, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book F, page 171)
Zatopek, Paulina (bride), was married to Pavel Hulcak (groom) on May 17, 1886, by Joseph Chromcik, Catholic priest, Fayetteville (Marriage Book F, page 472)
Zawaska, Maryana (bride), was married to Josef Kramolech (groom) on November 14, 1882, by Joseph Chromcik, Catholic priest, Fayetteville (Marriage Book F, page 277)
Zaweol, John (groom), was married to Varonika Papreska (bride) on February 12, 1872, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book E, page 257)
Zeiner, Franciska (bride), was married to August Brokmeyer (groom) on June 10, 1872, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book E, page 267)
Zeiner, Franzica (bride), was married to Albert Barta (groom) on April 29, 1873, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book E, page 314)
Zejitzeck, Rosina (bride), was married to John Hastedt (groom) on June 3, 1861, by Josef Oposensky, Catholic priest (Marriage Book D, page 95)
Zeptner, Charles (groom), was married to Paulin Mewees (bride) on August 27, 1866, by G. H. Bader, justice of the peace, Austin County (Marriage Book E, page 33)
Zermicek, Josef (groom), was married to Emilie Toneg (bride) on June 28, 1883, by Johann F. Leyendecker, justice of the peace (Marriage Book F, page 311)
Zgarba, Mary (bride), was married to August Scapek (groom) on January 21, 1873, by Joseph Chromcík, Catholic priest, Fayetteville (Marriage Book E, page 301)
Zibitowsky, Frank (groom), was married to Alvona Burns (bride) on September 10, 1870, by Henry C. Everett, justice of the peace (Marriage Book E, page 191)
Zickuhr, Ernst (groom), was married to Marie Bottger (bride) on February 24, 1881, by Charles Riley, county judge (Marriage Book F, page 198)
Zigelbeau, Vinceslas (groom), was married to Anna Talefus (bride) on January 12, 1864, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book D, page 135)
Zimhansel, Theresa (bride), was married to Dominick Biedel (groom) on May 5, 1873, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book E, page 314)
Zinek, Anna (bride), was married to Joseph Krenek (groom) on January 9, 1877, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book F, page 10)
Zumalt, Andrew (groom), was married to Harriet Laumore (bride) on December 2, 1837, by Williamson Daniels, justice of the peace (Marriage Book B, page 5)
Zumalt, Caroline (bride), was married to William O. Burnum (groom) on August 1, 1837, by Samuel Alexander, justice of the peace (Marriage Book B, page 3)
Zumwalt, Joana (bride), was married to Carsav Eason (groom) on March 19, 1874, by Benjamin F. Williams, minister of the gospel (Marriage Book D, page 324)
Zumwalt, Nettie E. (bride), was married to W. A. Mathee (groom) on January 14, 1885, by James A. Duncan, minister of the gospel (Marriage Book F, page 410)
Zwickel, Micheal (groom), was married to Barbara Wassaly (bride) on October 3, 1876, by Victor Gury, Catholic priest (Marriage Book C2, page 125)
Zwiener, W. F. (groom), was married to Ida Matilde Dietrich (bride) on February 4, 1879, by R. Jaeggli, Lutheran minister (Marriage Book F, page 104)
Zwigel, J. J. (groom), was married to Johanna W. Harms (bride) on March 7, 1877, by J. T. Warner, minister of the gospel (Marriage Book F, page 21)