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Nesbitt Memorial Library

Local History & Genealogy

Includes Consider the Lily: The Ungilded History of Colorado County A detailed, chronological history of Colorado County from 1821-1883, in nine parts, written by Bill Stein. The series was originally published in Nesbitt Memorial Library Journal, but has been modified to some degree for this website.

The Nesbitt Memorial Library has collected more than 6000 photographs and other images that are relevant to Colorado County history. For this page, some of those images have been organized thematically into series. Click on the links below to view a series. The number in parenthesis at the end of each link indicates how many photographs are in the series. The photographs presented on these pages were scanned at 75 dpi. Higher resolution images are available by request.

Public Records from Early Colorado County History The following items are compilations or transcriptions of certain public records from Colorado County's early history. The original records are fragile and may reside in the office shown.

Updates to these Colorado County Deaths pages are made approximately every three months. The old Cemetery Records pages were updated for the last time in December 2011. The Data ID field pertains to the person's record number on the main alphabetized database created in January 2012 and the highest number was 25,331 at that time.

These records are part of the collection of the Nesbitt Memorial Library. Click on the links below to view transcriptions of or indexes to some of the records.

The library's collection of family files derived from donated materials, reference books, obituaries, and genealogy material provided by families. Amount of available information varies from file to file.