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Nesbitt Memorial Library

Commissioners Court Minutes

April 10, 1837-July 19, 1849 County Clerk

Minutes of the County Court

Part 1

Book A

April 10, 1837 – April 7, 1845

Thanks to the diligence of the county government, and to the courthouse’s relative freedom from natural and man made disaster, all of the minutes of the meetings of Colorado County’s principal governing body, known at various times as the county court, the police court, or the commissioner’s court, have survived to the present day. The earliest minutes were written on loose sheets of paper. Beginning with the July 1840 meeting, the minutes were recorded in a bound book, designated as Book A. The loose sheets containing the earlier minutes were tucked inside the front cover, where they remained for more than 150 years. In 1995, all the pages of Book A, including the loose sheets, were carefully encapsulated and placed into a new binding. Unfortunately, the loose sheets, which had never been numbered, were inserted into the new book in incorrect order. For this transcription, these pages have been assigned lower case Roman numbers, though in chronological order rather than the order that they were bound into the book. Some of these pages have lost corners and/or edges which contained text. In most cases, we have attempted to reconstruct this text, enclosing our reconstructions in square brackets.

Though great care has been taken to transcribe every word exactly as it was written in the original minutes, mistakes must certainly have been made. Additionally, the differences between typewritten and handwritten text have forced us to alter the physical layout of the text. Further, the many passages which were written into the book but later crossed out by the clerk have been omitted from this transcription. Persons who are keenly interested in any aspect of the original text are directed to consult the books themselves.

[Book A, page i]

At a County Court held at the Town of Columbus on the second Monday in April Present William Menefee Chief Justice William B Dewese Associate Justice Robert Brotherton Clerk Stephen Townsend Sheriff Court being opened by public proclamation at the door of the courthouse it was ordered by the Court that the names of the Jurors be C[alled] over when the following persons appeared and answered to their names George W James, Thom[as] Slaughter - Richard Breeding Edward Galliher John E Lewis Abel Beason

Absent Jurors of the original venira Facias Mason Foley Russel Ross James Tramm[...] Eli Mercer Joseph Hogan Pascal Borden Hu[gh] McKenzie John Mathews Levi Mercer George Lyons whereupon it was ordered by the Court that a fine of twenty dollars be assesed on each of the Jurors not present with the exception of Eli Mercer and Levy Mercer excused Ordered by by the court that Notice be given to the defaulting Jurors to be and appear at the next term of the County Court to shew cause if any why Judgement Should not be finally Rendered against them according to law

The court then adjourned

William Menefee

[Book A, page ii]

At A County Court held in the town of Columbus on the second Monday in July term of the County Court for the County of Colorado Present William Menifee Chief Justice James Stephens & William B Dewees associate Justices Robert Brotherton County Clerk Stephen Townsend Sheriff

Court being opened by public proclamation at the door of the courthouse it was ordered that the names of the Jurors be called over when the following persons appeared and answered to their names

Jesse Clift      Jasper Gilbert

Allen Jones      John Deck

Benjamin McDonald   William Pace

Preston Gilbert     John Cryer

Henry Weaver        John Townsend

Patrick Reels    Daniel Miller

Jarome Allexander

Absent Jurors William Bridges John Begley who are excused by the court

On motion of the Sheriff and Legal notice having been given of said motion to the party concerned the the court assessed a fine of ten dollars upon Benjamin McDaniel for refusi[ng] to aid the said Sheriff in the execution of the duties of his office when sumo[ned] to do so according to law -- In case of defaulting Jurors at the april term of the [court it is] ordered by the Court that the fine be remit

[Book A, page iii]

Jury Drawn for the April Term of the County Court for the County of Colorado Drawn March 8th 1838 present William B Dewees associate j[us] Alfred Kelso Depty Sheriff Robert Brother[ton] Clerk

Eli Mercer             Isaac McGary

Joseph Highland     Patrick Reels

Rezin Byrn             James McNair

Henry T Arnold      Gideon G. William[...]

Lemose Lyons        William Numan

William Watts       Daniel Miller

Nathaniel Osburn    George Lyons

James Cummins       John Sutherland

[Book A, page iv]

September 5th 1838

A Jury drawn for the October Term of the County Court for the County of Colorado present William J E Heard Chef Justice Robert Brotherton Clerk and Stephen Townsend Sheriff

Joseph Ehlinger            Washington H Secrest

Francis Muyhar             William Wright

William Alley              James Silvey

Lymen W Alexander                Snider

James L McKinzie        Peter Peiper

Willy Cummins              John Rawlings

Abraham Alley              John C Lamb

John Begley                Abel Beason

                          William J E Heard

                          Chief Justice C C

October Term of the County Court held in the Town of Columbus & county aforesaid an Election was held by the Justices of the peace for associate Justices when John Sutherland and William B Dewees was Elected associates proposals was Laid before the for assessing the state Tax and Rezin Byrn being the Lowest bidder It is ordered and Decreed the said Byrn be appointed assessor and by Giving bond and security as required by Law

The following Jurors was in attendance Bernard Snider Lyman W Alleander Wily C Cummins Abraham Alley Francis Mayhar William Alley W H Secrest John Raw[lings]

[Book A, page v]

William B Dewees applied for to have a ferry Established above the town of Columbus which was Granted upon the same conditions of the ferry at the town of Columbus

The case of John Chaney was Call[ed] wherein John Chaney is plaintiff and Thomas Thatcher is Defendent in an appeal taken from a decision William Daniels a Justice of the peace  When J[ohn] Chaney the plaintiff and Stephen [Town]send one of the securities of Defend[ant] was present and consent of both pa[rties] went into trial after a full exami[nation] of the witnesses it is ordered and decreed the decision of the Justice of the peace confirmed with interist of ten pr cent Interist from the date of the Judge[ment] William J E H[eard] Chief Jus[tice]

W. B. Dewees

Asocit. J[ustice]

[Book A, page vi]

Columbus November 26th 1838

A Jury Drawn for the January term of the County Court present

William J E Heard / Chief Justice

Stephen Townsend   Sheriff

Robt Brotherton    Clerk

When the Following persons was drawn

Jasper Gilbert     David Silkriggs

Fredrick Scranton Tucker Foley

[Ja]cob Walters    Williamson Daniels

[E]lijah Mercer    George Thatcher

[...]n Smothers    John C Clark

[Wi]lliam Bell     Preston Gilbert

[M]artin D Ramsey Joseph Thompson

        Frels        John Cryer

                    William J E Heard

                        Chief Justice

Columbus Jan. 14th 1839

[Co]unty Court met. Present William J. E. Heard Ch. Justice Wm B. Dewees Ass. Justice J. C. Milor Dep. Sheriff

No Jury legally summoned - Willard Wad-

[Book A, page vii]

hams was appointed County Clerk pro-tem in the place of Robert Brotherton decd The case of Zeno Brons[on] vs Levi T. Bostick was called neither party appeared. The case of Thomas M. Hughs vs James Burlison was called - Judgement entered against Defendant for his Debt & Costs. The Case of Nathaniel D. Barr vs Jacob Lynch was called. Continued for want of a Ju[ry] The case of G. W. Smith vs James Cummings on an appeal by Defendant from the Judgement of a Justices' Court Continued for want of a Jury In the case of Ramsey & Burle[son] vs Mathews & Alley an appe[al] from a Justices Court by Defe[nd]ant. Continued for want of a Jury. In the case of Nathaniel Townse[nd] vs Hensley & Campbe[ll]

[Book A, page viii]

Judgement given against the Defendant for Debt & Costs. - In the Case of T. H. Wheeler vs Nathan D. Barr, Judgement given against the Defendant for his Debt & Costs - In the Case of Frederick Scranton vs James Crawford - ordered that Defendants Goods & Chattels Rights & Credits, Lands & Tenements be attached. Names of Jurors drawn in open court for the next County Court

James Silvey

James McNair

William Newman

Rezin Bryne

John Southerland

William Wright

Joseph Ehlinger

George Clark

James L McKinsey

Gideon G Williams


Washington H Secrest

Wiley Cummings

William Watts

Abel Beason

[Jo]hn Rollin

William J. E. Heard

Chief Justice

W B Dewees

Associate Justice

[Book A, page ix]

Columbus July 8th 1839 at Regular term of the Honl. County Court for Colorado County Holden at the Court House Columbus Present William Wadham Jud - Samuel J. Redgate Associate Justice - David Wade Sheriff H. Mont Sallee Dept. Clk Proclamation being made by the Sheriff at the Door of the Court House that Court was in Session. Whereupon the following Business Came on to be heard Viz Ramsey & Burleson vs. Mathews & Alley an appeal from Justices Court. Defts. failing to appear. Ordered & Decreed & Adjudged that Judgement by Rendered by Nolle proseq[ui] against Mathews & Alley for amt of debt Interest & Costs.

G W Smith vs Jas Cummings Came on to be heard. Deft. being absent W. T. Harrison was appointed Curator ad hock for Deft G. W. Smith - J. W. Scamone being sworn in the Case - Whereupon the Cause being duly considered - it is decreed & adjudged - That the orignial decision in the Court Below be Reversed & that the plff have Judgdgement. for 62 cents & all Costs of Suit

David Wade presented an a/c for House Rent allowed for the same the sum of $31.50 draft on the County Treasury -- County Clk presented an account against County Treasury for Services in Rendered viz making out Inventory of Taxable property for Year 1838 allowed $45 for the same no further Business before the Court it adjourned Sine die Willard Wadham Chief Ju[s] attest Mont Sallee Dt Clk

[Book A, page x]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

In County Court Oct Term A D 1839 Oct 14th 1839 present Willard Wadham Chief Justice John F Miller Associate Justice David Wade Sheriff H Mont Sallee Depty Clerk -- Court Being opened by proclamation at the Door of Court House by Sheriff Thompson the following Business came on to be Heard -- Travis Miller agt M D Ramsy Came on parties present. Setled by Consent of parties at the Cost of Deft M. D. Ramsey

The Case of David Breeding agst Jas. Cummings Came on to be heard. the parties Not present Mr. Lewis atty for Plff made a Statement of the Case to the Court Mr. Wade presents a letter from Jas Cummings praying the Case to be Continued R. L. Breeding Being sworn in the Case by Request of Counsel

Whereupon the Court Decides that Defendt Jas. Cummings be Condemed to pay amt of Debt. $40. and Interest from 14th Augt 1839 at 10 per Cent. & all Costs of Suit. Whereupon the Court adjourned until Tomorrow 10 ock A. M. Tuesday Morning - Court met pursuant to adjournment - Not Being a Quorum to do Business Court adjourned to Morrow morining - 10 ock Court met Wesday - pursuant to adjournment No. Quorum yet present again adjourned to Thursday Morning 10 [ock] Court met Thursday Morning persuant to adjournment – Thompson

[Book A, page xi]

Not Being yet present a quorum to do Business - the Sheriff adjourned the Court sine die Thursday P M Oct 17th A D 1839 attest

H Mont Sallee Dpty Clk C C

Willard Wadham

Chief Justice

At a regular term of the Honl. County Court for Colorado County holden at Columbus April 13th 1840 On Monday - Present Kidder Walker Chief Justice Jno F Miller & S J Redgate associates D Wade Sheriff & H Montgomery Sallee Dpty Clk - Court cald by Sheriff Thompson the following Business Came up

Crumbaker & Townsend No 1 vs John Cheney

Continued by Consent of Parties

N. Townsend vs. Spencer Townsend No 4

Debt Note $100- Judgement for $100 & Interest & Cost good & lawful Money by Defalt--- agst. plff Insts 5 pr Centum

Same vs. Same

Debt. $50- Judgement for $50- & Interest at 5 pr Centum & all Legal Costs - & C - agst plff

W. B. Dewees vs Martha Bostick

Debt - Continued by the Reason of the Death of the appellant

[W.] C. Cummings vs J Rusells

Debt Injuction - attachment Judgement for [paym]ent of both notes 5 per cent. Interest

[Book A, page xii]

& all legal costs & 10 per cent Damages against appellant amt. of Debt $78--Texas Money & also that execution May issue against R. Carter G. B. Halyard & J Rusell - on the Bond for Delaney & of the property attached - & against J Rusell R Carter & G. B. Halyard on the appeal Bonds

S. B. Mixon vs. J. E. L. Brasher

Attachments - Debt $49.25/000 Judgement for $49.25 & 5 percent Ints & Costs against Brasher appellant –

C. Blythe vs. E. W. Perry –

Judgement of New Suit agst. Deft Blythe - for Costs - &c.

William Watts vs. Willard Wadham

Debt. Note for $98.62 Judgement of New Suit & Defd. on appeal Condemed to pay Costs of Suit

Same vs. Same

Judgement of New Suit against Deft. On appeal for Costs of Suit

Bartlett vs. Johnson

Continued by Consent of parties

[Book A, page xiii]

Crumbaker & Townsend vs. John Cheney

Debt - $40.50 - Judgement against Defendt for $40.25/100 Compensated in off set- against the Crumbaker of $20.25 One of the firm

Whereupon the court adjourned Sine Die

Kidder Walker

Chf Justice

Saml J. Redgate, as

John C Miller As

[Book A, page xiv]

Sam H Stevens thinks G W Gusane sent a patent for 1 league & labor to Charles K. Bullard in New Orleans for sale. that it in this co. on the Colorado River above Columbus Bulard he thinks lives in Matagorda the same Mr Bulard is the man the patent was sent to


Boundaries order to survey & mark the

line between Wharton & Lavaca                                                                                                  40, 41

[Book A, page xv]

Court House

Comrs allowed further time to Report a location                                                                               24

N. H. Fisher makes a proposition to Build                                                                                        30

Comrs Reports discharged                                                                                                               30

Propostion Recorded on Page                                                                                                          31

County Tax

Levied for the year 1845                                                                                                                  4

Levied for the year 1846                                                                                                                  10

Levied for the year 1847                                                                                                                  31

Assessor & Collector

Merett Hutchins renders a/c                                                                                                             17

Wm A Nails bond approved                                                                                                            22

Wm A Nail presents assesd Roll                                                                                                      23

Wm A. Nail present Roll clerk to certify                                                                                           28

Wm A. Nail present insolvent list                                                                                                      33

M Hutchins present  do  for the years 1844 & 45

Wm A Nail present Roll                                                                                                                   37

Payne Tax released                                                                                                                          42

Wm Alley appt ass & C                                                                                                                   46


Claims agst the county to be presented to the Chief Justice

to be indicted or payment pospond                                                                                                   4

order to pay county clerk $25                                                                                                          8

claims to be presented to the Treasurer or to be bared                                                                      10

Notice of the sum ordered to be given                                                                                              11

W B Dewees attempts a settlement and fails                                                                                     17

decree that W B Dewees is indebted to county                                                                                 18

Robt Robson appointed                                                                                                                   18

W B Dewees presents a draft & Rejected                                                                                        18

W B Dewees presents 2 drafts & Rejected                                                                                      19

W B Dewees pays $115 in Treasury notes                                                                                       19

County clk ordered to draft for 6$                                                                                                    40

County clk ordered to draft for 107.50                                                                                             42

50$ appropriated to the clks offices                                                                                                  42

[Book A, page xvi]



from Columbus to Brenham Review Recd                                                                                        1

from Columbus to Hidesville comrs appt                                                                                           2

from Columbus to hands alloted to the same                                                                                     2

Road from Alex Jacksons to intersect Raod at Kincheloes.

Comrs to review same                                                                                                                     2

from Bosticks ferry to Zimmerschitts done away & commrs

to lay out another                                                                                                                             11

Road from Columbus to Lagrange former order Revoked comrs

appt to review the same                                                                                                                   12

Zimmerschitt to G. C. Hatches commrs to review the same                                                               13

Road from the victoria Road across Kelchs ferry                                                                              15

           comrs to review the same

Road from Mrs Coes on Benard across silveys ferry and

to run towards the Foleys                                                                                                                 15

 Comrs apptd to review the same                                                                                                    16

Comrs Report on Road from Zimmerschitts to G C Hatches Recd                                                    24

Comrs Report Road from Bosticks Recd                                                                                         24

former Comrs to review from Columbus to Lagrange

discharged & others apptd                                                                                                               27

Comrs apptd to review a from Columbus to Petersburg                                                                    28

G C Hatch allowed to move the Matagorda Road                                                                            33

Road from Taits ferry to County line divided                                                                                     34

[illegible] Comrs to review Columbus to Petersburg

discharged & other apptd                                                                                                                 36

former Comrs to review from Columbus & Lagrange

discharged others appointed                                                                                                             36

Report of Comrs to Lay out to Fayette line                                                                                       39

upper Road to Houston discontinued                                                                                                40

order to lay out old Road through Carter premises                                                                            44

Comrs appt to review Road from Fishers to the Austin

County line or Benard                                                                                                                      44

Com to review from Arch McNeill to C C Herberts                                                                         45

[Book A, page xvii]


W. F. Townsend vs Wm A Nail for ass & Col & new election ordered                                             9

Overseers of Roads

J C Abell apptd from Bosticks to Zimmerschitts                                                                                11

George Herder apptd from Zimmerschitts to county line                                                                    12

H Gregg apptd from Columbus to Lagrange                                                                                     13

W G Hunt apptd from Columbus to Lagrange                                                                                   13

Wm David apptd from Columbus the the Bernard                                                                             14

Abraham Alley Matagorda Road from the sanfilipe road to A Alleys                                                 14

John M Shannon Sanfilipe Road to prarie                                                                                         14

W. T. Townsend Columbus to Skull creek                                                                                       14

Moses Townsend Skull creek to navidad                                                                                          14

W. B. Dewees, Columbus to Silveys ferry                                                                                        15

R J Carroll Silveys ferry to county line                                                                                              15

W T Townsend appt Columbus to Skull creek                                                                                  25

Spencer Townsend " Skull creek to Navidad                                                                                    25

W B Dewees, Columbus to Silveys ferry                                                                                          25

R J Carroll silveys ferry to County line                                                                                              26

S J Redgate German settl to G C Hatches                                                                                        26

G Herder Zimerschitts to Austin county line                                                                                      26

S R Bostick  Bosticks ferry to Zimmerschitts                                                                                    26

John M Shannon, Sanfilipe Road to prairie                                                                                       27

Wm David, edge of Prairie to Bernard                                                                                              27

A Alley- Matagorda Road from Sanfilipe                                                                                          28

Road to his lower line Asa Townsend - Columbus to Bosticks ferry                                                  29

W. L. Smith Taits ferry to C C Herberts                                                                                           34

W G Hunt Columbus to Splan league                                                                                          3[?]

[Book A, page xviii]

Overseers of Roads

H Gregg Splan League to Fayette line                                                                                               37

B G Ijams Columbus  Skull creek                                                                                                     37

Alex Fitzgerald Skull Creek  Navidad                                                                                               37

W L Smith & R. J. Carroll Continued.                                                                                              45

Meritt Hutchins lower ferry at Columbus to Redgates old place                                                         45

Eli Clapp, Columbus to Sanfilipe                                                                                                      46

A Carter Columbus to Splan League                                                                                                47

H Gregg Splan County line                                                                                                               47

John Hope Bosticks ferry to Zimmerschitts                                                                                       47

B G Ijams Columbus to Skull Creek                                                                                                 47

Moses Townsend Skull Creek to County line                                                                                   47

[Book A, page xix]


Permited to do without a deputy                                                                                                       10

[Book A, page xx]


appointed for the different Beats                                                                                                       3

ordered to meet onse a week                                                                                                           4

W Alley appt capt beat No 1                                                                                                           34

G W Thatcher capt beat No 2                                                                                                      34


R Walker & Wm Frels appd overseer in beat No 3                                                                          49


laid off and lines established                                                                                                              5

lines established presiding officers appointed                                                                             20-21

W A Shepherd apptd to preside in beat No 1                                                                                   35

M D Ramsey apptd to preside in beat No 2                                                                                     35

Wm Frells apptd to preside in beat No 3                                                                                          35

Precinct of Election Near Terrells                                                                                                     38

H Terrell app presiding officer                                                                                                          38

                Spanish Camp                                                                                                                39

Thos Thatcher presiding officer                                                                                                         39

                Osborns                                                                                                                         39

John Osborn presiding officer                                                                                                           39


C Kelch allowed to establish one across the Colorado River                                                             8

Rates to be Charged                                                                                                                        16

Certificate from one of the comrs                                                                                                      16

All ferrymen required to give bond                                                                                                    17

Hutchins and Harris allowed to establish at Columbus                                                                       18

Willson & Roark allowed to establish at Columbus                                                                           19

A Carter allowed to establish                                                                                                           25

[Book A, page xxi]

Precinct Established

Court house       W. B. Dewees to preside                                                                                       43

Reels bend     Archd McNeill                                                                                                        43

John Osborns   John Osborn                                                                                                         43

Spanish Camp   Thos Thatcher                                                                                                      43

Frels Store       Wm Frels                                                                                                                 43

Henry Terrells H Terrell                                                                                                                43

Petersburg        Dowling                                                                                                                   44


Hutchins & Harris allowed to Charge                                                                                               28

James E Silvey allowed to Charge                                                                                                    28

Archd McNeill established                                                                                                               39

Hutchins & Harris bond cancelled                                                                                                    40

[Book A, page xxii]


Justice of the Peace

Wm Bridges bond approved                                                                                                            22

W S Shepherd classed No 1 in beat No 1                                                                                        37

M D Ramsey classed N 2 in beat N 2                                                                                              38

Wm Bridge classed N 1 in beat N 2                                                                                                 38

[Book A, page xxiii]

Minutes of the County Court of

Colorado County, Page 19, commencing

at July Term, 1840

[Book A, page 1]

Appeal from the decision of J. P. Sept 2nd 1837


John Chaney vs Thomas Thatcher

Oct 8th 1838 Judgement of the Justice of the peace confirmed with 10 pr ct Interes from the date of Judgment

Entered Sept 9th 1837


William B Dewees Abel Beason and Leander Beason Adminstrators on the Estate of Benjamin Beason Decd. vs Oliver Jones administrator on the Estate of James J Ross Deceased

With drawn by the plaintiff

[Book A, page 2]

Sept 20th 1838

Jackson for ptff

Zeno Bronson vs Levi T. Bostick

Continued neither party present

Transferd to the Dist Court March 8th 1839

Rezin Byrn C C C

December 5th 1838

Evans for ptff

Thomas M Hugs vs James Burlison

Judgment against Deft

[Book A, page 3]

December 24th 1838

Evans for plff

Nathaniel D Barr vs Jacob Lynch

Continued for want of a Jury

Transfered to the District Court this July 6th 1839

December 26

G W Smith vs James Cummins

appeal from A Justices Court by deft.

Continued for want of a Jury

[illegible] to the decision of the Court in this case is that the decision of the Court Below Be Reversed & that Judgement be given in favor of deft. for 62 ct and all costs of Suit--this 8th day of July 1839

Ramsey & Burleson vs Mathews & Alley

An appeal from Justices Court by defts

Continued for want of a Jury

Judgement against defent by nolle prosequi for debt Interest & Costs July 8th 1839

[Book A, page 4]

Nathaniel Townsend vs Hensley & Campbell

Judgement against defts for debt & costs to in gold or silver Execution Issued 11th April 1839

Jan. 7th 1839

Smith for Pltff.

T. H. Wheeler vs Nathan D. Barr

by order of Plaintiffs attorney

Judgment against Deft

Discontinued before execution issued by Plaintiff

Evans for Pltff.

Fred. Scranton vs. James Crawford

ordered that the defts goods & chattels rights & credits lands and tenements be attached

Transferd to the Dist Court March 8th 1839

Rezin Byrn C C C

[Book A, page 5]

1839 July 30th

Travis Miller vs M. D. Ramsey

appeal from J. F. Miller J. P. C. C. by Deft

An a/c $65.00

Setled by Cosent of parties at Cost of deft. M D Ramsey Oct. 11th 1839

[Book A, page 6]

No 1

1839 Augt 23rd

J M Crumbaker & Stephen Townsend vs John Chaney

appeal from J F Miller J P by Plaintiffs

An a/c $40.50

Lewis for plff

Continued for Want of a Quorum to do Business Judgement against Deft J Chaney for the Sum of $20.25 April 13th 1840

1839 Augt 28th

No 2nd

David Wade vs Rezin Byrn & Fred Scranton

appeal from J F Miller J P by Defdts

A Note for $100.00

Lewis for Deft.

Continued for Want of a quorum to do Business

Discontinued Dec 14th 1839 By Reason of Error in Justices

Proceedings & Papers Returned to Justice of the Peace J. F. Miller Whence they Issued

In this case the papers Returned to J. F. Miller J. P. Dec 14th 1839 On a/c of Informalitys

1839 Augt 28th

No 3

Isam Tooke vs William Watts

appeal from J. F. Miller vs J. P. by Defendt

An a/c for $100.00

Lewis for Plff.

Continued for Want of a Quorum to do Business

Discontinued by Consent of parties at cost of Plff Said Tooke

Discontinued by consent of parties at cost of Plaintiff said Tooke Oct 26th A. D. 1839

[Book A, page 7]

Nr 4

1839 Oct 3rd

Nathal Townsend vs Spencer Townsend

appeal from J. F. Miller J. P. By Plff

Note of the amt $100.00

Lewis for Plff

Continued for want of a Quorum to do Business

Judgement against Spencer Townsend Defdt -- for Debt & Interest 13th Apl 1840

1839 Oct 3rd

No 5

Same vs Same appeal from J F Miller J P by Plff

Note of the amt  $50.00

Lewis for Plff

Continued for want of a Quorum to do Business

Judgement against Deft S. Townsend for Debt & Interest April 13th 1840

No 6

1839 Oct 3rd

W B Dewees vs Martha Bostick

appeal from J F Miller J P by Defendt

an a/c for $30.00

A. M. Lewis for Deft.

Continued for Want of a Quorum to do Business

Continued by Reason of the Death of Plff

[Book A, page 8]

Nr 7

1839 Oct 7th

David Breeding vs Jas Cummings

appeal from S. J. Redgate J. P. by Plaintff

An a/c for $40.00

In this Case the Court Decided that the Defendt Jas Cummings be Condemed to pay amt. of Debt as above $40- and Interest from 14th Augt 1839 and all Legal Costs of Suit - this 14th day of Oct 1839

Execution Issued Nov 29th 1839

Clk/fees $9.50

1840 Jany

Willie C Cumings vs J. Boselle

Debt An Attachment Returnable before Jno. F. Miller. appealed by Deft.

Judgement for Debt & Interest against Boselle & securities April 13th 1840

[Book A, page 9]

1840 Feby

S. B. Mixon vs F. H. L. Brashear

appeal from J. Tipps Esqr Debt by Defdt

Note $49.25

Judgement against Brashear for Debt & Interest -- April 13th 1840 Good Money

1840 Feby

C Blithe vs E. W. Perry

Appealed by Defdt from Judgt of J Tipps - Debt Order $40

Judgment against Blythe for Cost of Suit April 13th 1840

1840 Feby

William Watts vs Willard Wadham

Debt. Note $98.62

appealed by Plff. from Judgt of J. Tipps

Judgement against Watts of Non Suit. 13th April 1840

[Book A, page 10]

1840 Feby

William Watts vs Willard Wadham

Debt. Note $53.00

Appealed by Plff from Judgt. of J Tipps

Judgement of Non Suit against Watts April 13th 1840

1840 Mar 28th

J. W. Johnson vs Jas. K. Bartlett

Debt. A/c $100

appealed by Defdt. from Judgt. of Jon F. Miller

Continued by Consent

[Book A, page 11]

At a regular Term of the County Court of Colorado County, held at the Court-house in the Town of Columbus, on the 13th day of July, 1840, Court was opened by proclamation made by Sheriff Tobin. Present Kidder Walker Chief Justice, John F Miller & Samuel J Redgate Esqrs Associate Justices. Whereupon business was transacted and disposed of, as follows, viz:

Martha Bostick Appellant vs Wm B Dewees Appellee

There being no administrator of the estate of Martha Bostick decd, it was ordered by the Court that the Case be continued untill the next term

Willard Wadham Appnt vs William Watts Appee

Suit on a note for $98.62/ dated May 31st 1839

The parties appeared, and the Case being duly laid before the Court, and by the Court being fully seen & understood, it was ordered and adjudged that the Appellee William Watts recover of the appellant Willard Wadham the sum of thirteen dollars & sixty one & a half cents for his judgment after deducting a sett-off of thirty five dollars & seventy cents, and also that said Watts recover two dollars & seventy five cents for Interest, and also all costs of suit & together with ten per cent damages on this Judgmt

William Watts Appellant vs Willard Wadham Admr of M. L. Beebe decd Appellee

Action on an account for thirty nine days board

The parties appeared, and the case being duly laid before the court, and by the court being fully seen & understood, it was ordered and adjudged that William Watts appellant recover of Willard Wadham Admr of Beebe aforesaid the sum of thirty seven dollars & all costs of suit, after allowing all sett-offs

[Book A, page 12]

James R Barlett Appnt vs John W Johnson

Suit for $100

The parties appeared by Attys and asked the court to withdraw the suit, the appnt J R Bartlett agreeing to pay costs, which was granted

Stephen Townsend Appnt vs Wm B. Dewees Appee

Suit on account for $35

The parties appeared by atty and consented to a continuance to next term

S. L. Foley vs J. Ellis, J Tipps & S. B. Mixon

Suit on Bond for $39

Parties appeared by Attys and the case deferred untill to-morrow.

Court adjourned till to-morrow morning, 9 O'Clock

Tuesday, 14th July, 1840, 10 O'Clock AM Court met pursuant to adjournment. Present same Justices

S. L. Foley vs J. Ellis, J Tipps & S. B. Mixon

Suit on bond as Deputy Surveyor dated 8th day of October, 1838

In this case the defendant pleaded to the disability of the plaintiff. Plea overruled- the defendant then pleaded to the non-joinder of other persons as codefendents. Plea overruled. The defendant then asked for a trial by Jury The Court upon argument decided that he was entitled to such a trial. The Plaintiff thereupon asked for the impannelling of a Jury immediately, but the Court decided that the case should be continued to the next Term & a Jury summoned according to the mode pointed out by an Act "organizing the Inferior Courts" approved Decr 20th 1836, also that the County Court has a right to empannell a Jury according

[Book A, page 13]

to the provisions of said Act

Benj R Thomas & Mary Thomas his wife sole heir of John P Thompson decd Appnt vs Willard Wadham Admr of Morgan L. Beebe decd appee Suit on a account for $95- with a credit of $34

In this case, the Appellants asked for a trial by Jury. The court decided that they were entitled to such a trial. The appellee therupon asked for the impannelling of a Jury immediately, but the Court decided that the case should be continued to the next term & a Jury summoned according to the mode pointed out by an Act "organizing the inferior courts" approved Decr 20th 1836, also that the County Court has a right to impannell a Jury according to the provisions of said act

Benj R Thomas & Mary Thomas his wife sole heir of John P Thompson decd, Appellants vs Joseph Hyland (to use of J E Silvey)

Suit on note for $40 - dated June 28th 1837

In this case, the appellants asked for a trial by Jury - The court decided that they were entitled to such a trial - The Appellee thereupon asked for the impannelling of a Jury immediately, but the court decided as in the case above

Court adjourned untill 2 o'clock P. M

Tuesday, 14th July, 1840 2 oclock P. M Court met persuant to adjournment present same Justices. Whereupon the Clerk of Court & Sheriff proceeded to draw the requisite number of Jurors, for the next term of Court, viz Sixteen

[Book A, page 14]

The following is a list of the drawn Jurors in the order in which they were drawn

1  Alexander Jackson

2  Travis Miller

3  Felix Secrest

4  James Pinchback

5  William Robinson

6  Wm R Newman

7  William Hudgeons

8  Sampson McTennal

9  William David

10 John W Johnson

11 William Dunlavy

12 James E Silvey

13 William House

14 William Brooks

15 Stephen Townsend

16 B. M. Dougherty

The clerk is required and ordered to issue a venire-facias directed to the sheriff, to cause the above named persons to appear as Jurors at the next regular Term

Court adjourned till Term in course

Kidder Walker  Chf. J.

Saml J. Redgate  Asst

John F Miller  Asst

At a regular Term of the County Court of Colorado County held at the Court-house in the town of Columbus, on the 12th day of October, 1840, Present Kidder Walker Chief Justice and John F Miller & Saml J Redgate Esqrs Associate Justices and Lyman W Alexander appointed clerk Pro-tem and Robert H Tobin Sheriff, Court being opened by proclamation as required by law, the following business was transacted, viz: The venire facias for Jurors was called, whereupon the following persons were found to be absent, to wit, Alexander Jackson, William Robinson, William Dunlavy, William House, Travis Miller, James Pinchback, Sampson McTennel, John W Johnson, William Brooks, & B M Daugherty. The following talismen were summoned from among the by-standers, to make up a sufficient number to constitute a Jury, to wit, Abel Beeson, John C Lamb, William T Townsend, Joseph Ball, Asa Townsend & Abraham Alley, who were sworn in chief to try all causes during the term, as likewise those of named

[Book A, page 15]

in the venire facias who answered to their names, to wit, Felix Secrest William Hudgeons, William David, Stapleton Townsend, William R Newins & James E Silvey - The case of Martha Bostick Appellant vs William B Dewees Appellee being called, the death of the Appellant being suggested to the court, her administrator Felix G Secrest appeared in her stead, whereupon the said Secrest was released from service on the Jury in the pending case, and Lawrence Cherry was substituted & duly sworn to try the same - Joseph W McClurg Deputy Clerk appeared and took his place. The above case, after the examination of testimony, was submitted to the Jury, who retired and after a short absence, returned the following verdict, "We the Jury in the case of Martha Bostick appnt vs William B Dewees appee find for the Appellee the sum of twelve dollars, good money, 12th October, 1840

Asa Townsend Foreman"

Wherupon it is adjudged and decreed by the court that Wm B Dewees Appee recover of Felix G Secrest admr of M Bostick decd, the said sum of twelve dollars good & lawful money, together with costs of suit

The case of Stephen Townsend Appellant vs William B Dewees Appellee was settled by consent of parties, the costs attorney's fee excepted to be paid by the appellant

The case of S T Foley appellant vs Ira Ellis Saml B. Mixon & Jacob Tipps being called, the death of the Appellant being suggested to the court, his Administrator Washington G L Foley was substituted. After the examination of Testimony, the case was submitted to the Jury, who retired and after a short absence returned and stated to the Court, that an agreement to a verdict was impossible, wherefore it is ordered by the Court that said Case be continued untill the next term of Court.

Court adjourned till tomorrow morning, 9 O'Clock

[Book A, page 16]

13th October, 1840 - Tuesday morning, 9 O'Clock - Court met pursuant to adjournment, present the same officers as before

Benj R Thomas Wife appnts vs Wm Wadham Admr of M L Beebe decd Appee

Benj R Thomas Appnt vs J Hyland to use of J E Silvey Appee

In the two above named cases, the attornies for the parties agreed to dispense with the intervention of a Jury - and to submit the cases to the consideration and Judgment of the Court.

In the case of Benj R Thomas & wife appnts vs Wm Wadham Admr of M L Beebe decd Appee on motion of the appellee a change was made in the writ, to wit, the words "B R Thomas & wife, Heirs of J P Thompson decd" were stricken out, and the words "B R Thomas and Mary Thomas Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of John P Thompson decd" were substituted - And the case was continued, and order made for the security in the appeal bond to be released

In the case of B R Thomas & wife Appnt vs J Hyland to use of J E Silvey Appee on motion of the Appellee, a change was made in the writ, to wit, the words "B R Thomas & Mary Thomas sole heir of John P Thompson deceased" were stricken out, and the words "B R Thomas & Mary Thomas Administratrix and Administrator of John P Thompson decd" were substituted, and order made for the security in the appeal bond to be released - And it is ordered and adjudged that J Hyland to use of J E Silvey Appee recover of said Thomas & Thomas Admx & Admr the sum of forty dollars Debt and seven dollars and thirty three cents Interest together with costs of suit

[Book A, page 17]

The following places were established as Election precincts in the County of Colorado - viz "Columbus" "George W Thatcher's house" "Eli Mercer's house" "Wallnut Bluffs" "Jacob Walters' house" "Isaac N Mitchell's house"

It is ordered by the Court that the County surveyor be and is hereby authorised to survey three leagues of land in the county or so much as he may find vacant to be set apart for the purposes set forth in the Act entitled an "Act appropriating certain lands for the establishment of a general system of Education" approved January 26th, 1839

An order made on the 14th day of July 1840, for the clerk of the County Court to draw out of the County Treasury the sum of one hundred dollars to be appropriated to the purchase of Books of Record and stationary for the County was revoked.

An order was made authorising and empowering the Chief Justice to contract for the building of a Court house and County Jail, on terms to be approved by the Associate Justices

It was ordered that the Chief Justice be authorised and required to make a motion in the District Court at the next term of said court to be holden in Colorado County, for a rule to be granted, requiring Rezin Byrn to render his account and make settlement as former Treasurer of the County

Court adjourned till term in course

Kidder Walker

Chief Justice

Saml J. Redgate Justice of Peace

John C Miller J/P

[Book A, page 18]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it remembered that at a regular term of the County Court in & for said County, held at the Court house in the Town of Columbus, on the eleventh day of January, eighteen hundred & forty one, Present the Hon. Kidder Walker Chief Justice and John F Miller and Samuel J Redgate Esquires, Associate Justices, Robert H Tobin Sheriff and Rezin Byrn Clerk by Deputy Joseph W McClurg, the following business was transacted, viz:

A list of the deeds furnished by the Clerk, having been admitted to record in Colorado County, since the last Term of this Court was ordered to be entered in the minutes, and is as follows, to wit:

Names of Parties


how admitted

Horace Eggleston To Isabella Ponton

1111 acres of land, the upper quarter of League granted to William Ponton on the east side of Lavaca river

By the acknowledgement of H Eggleston before theClerk of Colorado County

Marmeduke Sandefur To Thomas Chandom

555 1/2 acres of land a portion his of headright of Sandefur on the Navidad River

Certificate of acknowledgement by Chief Justice Kidder Walker

Joel Ponton To Isaac N Mitchell

400 acres of land, a portion of James Campbell's league

On oath of witnesses W G L Foley & W H Woodley

Levi T Bostick to W H Secrest

his interest in headright league of Levi Bostick on the Navidad river -Interest in the bend above Columbus in the league of Tumlinson & Interest in the Walnut bend to quarter of league out of headright of Wm H Hunt

By acknowledgement of Levi T Bostick before County Clerk

W B Dewees vs Colorado County

Block in Town of Columbus

acknowledgment of W B Dewees before Clerk

Robt H Tobin Sheff of Colorado County to Williamson Daniels

Quarter of league of land as property of Hannah Alexander being lower quarter of upper half of a league granted to J Tumlinson

On acknowledgment of R H Tobin

[Book A, page 19]

Jesse Burnam to Frederick W Grasmeyer

Portion of league granted to William W Thompson as his head-right

on certificate of Burnam's acknowledgment before two Justices of Fayette County

Peter Tumlinson & Harriet Tumlinson To John Sutherland

Interest &c in league of land granted to Elizabeth Tumlinson

Certificate of Jesse Grimes Chief Justice of Montgomery County

Saml B Mixon To William Watts

Lot No 3 in Block No 9 in town of Columbus

acknowledgment of Mixon before Clerk

Henry H Hadden to Elijah Wright

150 3/4 acres of league granted to John Haddon

acknowledgment of Haddon before Clerk

Joseph Tumlinson To Martin D Ramsey

Interest in league granted to Elizabeth Tumlinson

On acknowledgment before Clerk

L H Petres To E A Rhodes

League granted to A W Breedlove

Certificate of R D Johnson Chief Justice of Galveston County

S L Foley appnt vs Ellis, Mison & Tipps appee

On application of the Defendants for a Jury, this case was continued, that a Jury might be summoned for the next term

B R Thomas & wife appnts vs Wm Wadham admr of Morgan L. Beebe decd

In this case the attorney of Benjn R Thomas & Mary Thomas admr & admx of John P Thompson's estate, confessed judgment for the sum of sixty one dollars.  Wherefore it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that Wd Wadham admr of the estate of Morgan L Beebe decd recover of said admr & admx

[Book A, page 20]

the sum of sixty one dollars. And it is further ordered and decreed that said admr & admx recover of said Wadham admr as aforesaid, all costs and charges by them about their suit in this behalf expended

Martin D Ramsey & James Burleson appnts vs Saml B Mixon appee

In this case the right of trial by Jury was insisted on by Attorney for appellee and no jury being in attnedance the case was continued until the next term

It is ordered that Court be adjourned till term in Course

Kidder Walker

Chief Justice


Saml J Redgate J. P.

John F Miller J P

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it Rememberd that on this 12th day of July A D 1841 there was Begun and held in and for Said County a Regular Term of the County Court present Kidder Walker Chief Justice, John F Miller William David Associate Justices, W B Perry Clerk & Joseph G Ball Depty Sheriff, when the following Business was transacted, to wit, a list of Deeds was furnish By the Clerk, having Been admitted to Record Since the last term of

[Book A, page 21]

this Court was ordered to Be entered in the minutes & is as follows to wit

Names of Parties


how admitted

Henry H Haddon To James E Madison

Interest in donated land to Richard Haddon being lot no (1) in Sullivan County State of Issuance

acknowledgment before clerk by Haddon

James Cambell To Joel Ponton

400 acres of land granted to James Cambell by the government of Coahuila & Texas

oath of W G L Foley and W H Woodly witnesses

J W E Wallace To Thos G Gardiner

lot no (4) in Block no (18) in Town of Columbus

Certificate of Thos Harvey Notary Public of Matagorda County

J W E Wallace To Thos G Gardiner

lots no (9)(10)(11) in Block no (41) in Town of Columbus

Certificate of Silas Dinsmore Chief Justice of Matagorda County

Government of Mexico To James Bowie

league granted To Bowie

Certificate to Copy by J P Borden Com G L office

[Book A, page 22]

E M Mallick & P Mallick To W B Dewees

west half of lot no (4) in Block no (4) in Town of Columbus

acknowledgement before clerk by E M Mallick & Mallick

James Campbell to John Grunwald

483 acres of league granted to said Cambell as head Right

Certificate of K Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

James Campbell To Samuel W Barry

400 acres of league granted to said Cambell as head Right

Certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

W B Dewees To Rutersville College

Two 5 acre lots north side Montezuma avenue being no (4) & (5) in Town of Columbus

Certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

B G Ijams To Rutersville College

80 acres of land purchased By Ijams of Wm T Townsend

acknowledgement before clerk B G Ijams

T J Rabb to Rutersville College

500 acres of land in the southwest corner of league or siteo number on the East side of the Colorado River

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

Wm W Jack To Rutersville College

500 acres land parts of quarter of league granted to S H Jack as head Right

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

[Book A, page 23]

T J Rabb to P Gilbert

163 1/2 acres of land part of league granted to said Rabb by the Mexican government

Certificate of N W Easland Chief Justice of Fayette County

Asa Townsend To Gilbert Jackson

555 acres of land purchased of W B Dewees by Asa Townsend

acknowledgement before clerk by B Townsend

Wesley Hunt To John Toliver

south half of five acre lot no (91) sold by W B Dewees to Hunt

acknowledgement before clerk By Hunt

Robert Stevenson & S M Stevenson To Sophronia E Norris

quarter of league being lower quarter of the league granted William Roberson By the government of Coahuila & Texas

certificate of Two Justices of the Peace of Washington County

Republic of Texas To Richard J Woodard

one league & labor of land granted to said Woodard By said Republic

Amstell Carter & Susan Carter to B F Burk

lot no (1) (2) (3) in Block no (91) in Town of Columbus

acknowledgement before J W McClurg notary public By Amstell & Susan Carter

Wm F Johnson to Rutersville College

lot no (6) in Block no (18) in Town of Columbus

certificate of M Talbot Chief Justice of Matagorda County

[Book A, page 24]

J W E Wallace & W B Dewees To K Walker ch & Succesors

Public Squares & Streets in the Town of Columbus

acknowledgement before J W McClurg Public B Wallace & Dewees

J W E Wallace To Wm F Johnson

lot no (6) in Block no (18) in the Town of Columbus

acknowledgement before clerk By Wallace

Charles Kesler To A Broadback

50 acres of land being part of a quarter sold to Kesler By James E Silvey

acknowledgement before J W McClurg notary public By Kesler

Charles Kesler To Christian Kelch

quarter of league sold by J E Silvey to Kesler except 50 acres which said Kesler sold to A Broadback

acknowledgement before J W McClurg notary public By Kesler

Gilbert Jackson to Sarah R Jackson

555 acres of land sold to Jackson By Asa Townsend

acknowledgement before clerk By Jackson

James Cummings To Isabela Adair

one labor of land off of James Cummings upper league and Cummings Creek

acknowledgement Before clerk By Cummings

J W Norris & S E Norris To S A Stevenson

quarter of league of land east Bank Colorado River part of Wm Robinsons head Right

[Book A, page 25]

J H Money To J S Montgomery

half league of oath Before land east side Colorado River

clerk By W J Jones & P R Lewis

J H Money To J S Montgomry

upper half of league of land east side Colorado River granted to C C Dyer

oath Before clerk By W J Jones & P R Lewis

S R Jackson To W H Jack & P R Lewis

350 acres land west side Colorado River

oath Before clerk by W T Townsend

D J Wood To J W McClurg

three hundred & twenty lots in Town of Columbus commencing no (155) Running W with north street to line Between Bunton & sd town tract intersecting sd line at w corner fractional Block No (13)

oath Before clerk By J W E Wallace witness

W J Maynard To J. T. Belknap

one fourth league land Being part of J Thompsons head Right granted By the mexican government

certificate of Two Justices of the Peace of Matagorda County

J T Belknap to W J Maynard

fourth league land part of Joseph Thompsons head Right

certificate of Two Justices of the Peace of Matagorda County

J W E Wallace to C A Wadsworth

one lot in Town of Columbus no (15) in Block no (30)

acknowledgement Before clerk By Wallace

[Book A, page 26]

J Cummings to T Ware

quarter league of land on Cummings Creek known as north quarter of the upper league of said Cummings Consesion

oath Before clerk By S J Redgate & J W Dodson witnesses

J H L Brashear To John Eaton

one lot in Town of Columbus Being lot no (6) in Block no (3)

acknowledgement Before J W McClurg notary public

J H Money to Heirs of F Pettus

partition deed of one league land on the west side Colorado River granted to F Pettus By the mexican government

Decree of the Probate Court of Austin County

C B Emmons to W. C. Baxter

Two lots in the Town of Columbus Being no (2) and (5) in Block no (10)

acknowledgement Before clerk by Emmons

An account of Willard Wadham was presented and allowed By the Court amount Being Twenty five Dollars in the promisory notes of the Republic.

An account of W B Perry was presented and allowed By the Court amount Being Twenty One hundred and thirty Dollars 50 cents in the promesory notes of the Republic

And account of Basil G Ijams was presented and allowed By the Court amount Being forty Eight Dollars in Texas promisory

[Book A, page 27]

notes of the Republic. An account of E H Hatch was presented, and allowed amount Being thirty six Dollars in the promisory notes of the Republic.

An account of Joseph W. McClurg was presented and allowed amount Being forty five Dollars in the promisory notes of the Republic.

An account of William B Dewees Treasurer of said County was presented and on settlement with said Dewees he still owes a Balance to said County of one hundred & twenty one Dollars 75 cents in the promisory notes of the Republic.

An account of W B Dewees was presented, and allowed By the court, amount Being three hundred Dollars in the promisory notes of the Republic which money is Due for house Rent.

It is orderd and Decrede By the Court that the sum of four Dollars in par money per month Be allowed Willard Wadham atty for F Scranton, for a house to used By the County for a Court House District & County Clerks office. An account of W B Dewees for three months office Rent, was presented and allowed, amount twenty seven Dollars in the promisory notes of the Republic

[Book A, page 28]

It is ordered that Court Be adjourned till next term in course

Kidder Walker

Chief Justice

John F Miller

William David  Associate Justices

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it remembered that on this 11th day of October A. D. 1841, there was begun and held in & for said county, a regular term of the County Court present Kidder Walker, Chief Justice, William David & Saml J Redgate Associate Justices John Eaton Deputy Clerk, when the following business was transacted, to wit,

An account of E.W. Perry presented for five days service as a Grand Juror, and allowed - 7.50 Seven dollars and fifty cents in promissory notes of Republic

Also presented and allowed an account of E W Perry having acted as Constable and summoned a Jury to hold inquest on the body of a Negro Woman three Dollars

Also presented and allowed an account of E W Perry having served as Grand Juror - four days six dollars

Also presented & allowed an Account of Bernard Snider having served as Juror one day and travelled twelve miles - two dollars and ten cents

[Book A, page 29]

Also presented and allowed an account of W. T. Townsend, he having served for the term of four days amount - six dollars

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay to Bazil G Ijams, Clerk of the district Court the sum of Twenty eight dollars in the promissory notes of the republic for supply of paper Ink. Pen etc.

An account was presented and allowed - to Cruger & Moore for Advertiz.  Land Tax notice Sepr 15, 1839 -- for the sum of ninety eight dollars in the promissory notes of the Republic

It is ordered by the court that W B Dewees be paid the sum of seven dollars par money pr month - for twelve months from this date - for the occupation of the House, situated in the Square and known as being used for some time as a billiard Room,

Kidder Walker

C. J. C. C.

William David

[Book A, page 30]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it known that on this 11th day of April A D - 1842 there was begun and held in and for said county A Regular term of the county court for said county - present Hon Kidder Walker Chief Justice John F Miller and William David associate justices, and W B Perry Clerk and R H Tobin sheriff when the following Business was transacted to wit. A list of or transcript of land titles being furnished by the clerk and ordered to be recorded - And said transcript ordered to be put up at the court house door.

Names of Parties


How admited

J Greenwood to J Tate

one hundred acres land, being part of Jos Cambells headright

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

F Scranton to W Watts

three lots (3) in Town of Columbus no (5) & (6) Block no (20) lot no (5) of Bl no (15)

acknowledgement Before clerk By F Scranton

Republic of Texas to Heirs of R Thompson

one third league of land on Scull creek

[Book A, page 31]

Jos Thompson To C Kesler

head right Roland Thompson

acknowledgemt Before Clerk by Jos Thompson

F Scranton To W Grasmeyer

1/2 league land being half of the league known as Kirbys head right

acknowledgemt Before Clerk by Scranton

E W Perry To W B Perry

one league land in montgomery county being head right of C Blythe

acknowledgement before clerk by Perry

A Sherrel & M Sherrel To N Zumwalt

400 acres land east bank Lavacca being part of said Sherrels head right

acknowledgemt Before Jos W McClurg notary public by Sherrel & wife

W B Dewees to Obricht

lots no (4) (5) in Block no (56) in Town of Columbus

acknowledgedgement before clerk by W B Dewees

W Watts To W B Dewees

one lot no (5) block no (15) in the Town of Columbus

acknowledgement before Clerk by W Watts

A Carter To R Byrne

lots in Town of Columbus (3) & (5) in block no (43) & (1) & (2) in Bl (42) no (4) in Bl no (3) lots no (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) & 6 being all the lots in Bl 49

Republic of Texas to J Ehlinger

one league & labor of land sit west side Cummings Creek

[Book A, page 32]

Republic of Texas To E Toms

one third league land east Cummings Creek

T. Ware To W Wadham

one hundred & fifty acres land, begining on upper league granted to Jas Cumings by the mexican government

oath of Jas Cummings before clerk

B G Ijams To A Holdridge

400 acres land it being north of R Cuninghams head right granted to sd Cuningham by the mexican government

acknowledgement Before clerk by Ijams

J Greenwood To Jos Cambell

385 acres land it being north of sd J Cambells head right

oath of W J Barry before clerk

G W Lively To J Dorsey

lots no (1) (2) (3) in Bl no (10) in Town of Columbus

Certificate of G W Adams notary public Harrisburg Co

P Pieper To R Schiscider

128 acres land being part of sd Piepers head right

oath of W Wadham before clerk

W B Dewees To E M Mallick

north half of lot no (2) in Bl no (15) in Town of Columbus

oath of W Wadham before clerk

S B Mixon To D Wade

lot no (2) in Bl no (16) in Columbus

acknowledgements before clerk by Mixon

[Book A, page 33]

R Hensley & M T Hensley To B Peck

S half of siteo of land being part of L dabneys headright granted to him by the mexican govment

certificate of J U Brown Notary public Jackson County

A M Dilso & H Dilso To J R Lewis

Interest in estate of R Kuykendall deceased

certificate of Thos Harvey notary public Matagorda co

J R Lewis To W H Jack

Interest in 555 acres land, being same W B Dewees sold to Asa Townsend

certificate of Thos Harvey not pub Matagorda County

J Wolters To D T F Jordt

60 acres land being part of P Piepers headright lying south side Cumings Creek

acknowledgement before clerk By Wolters

J Wolters To W Frels

39 acres land being part of P Piepers headright

acknowledgement before clerk by said Wolters

P Pieper To W Frels

170 acres land being part of said P Piepers head right

acknowledgemt before clerk by said Pieper

P Pieper To G dampkin

100 acres land being part of P Piepers head right

acknowledgemt Before clerk by said Pieper

P Pieper To W Frels

about (10) acres land, being north of sd Piepers head right

acknowledgemt Before clerk By sd Pieper

[Book A, page 34]

P Pieper To R Stoltje

200 acres land being part of sd Piepers headright

acknowledgemt Before clerk by sd Pieper

P Pieper to W Frels

one labor land it being part of sd Piepers headright

acknowledgmt Before clerk by sd Pieper

P Pieper To J Walters

280 acres land Being part sd Piepers headright

acknowledgments before clerk by sd Pieper

P Pieper To C Giesecke

250 acres land being north of sd Piepers headright

acknowledgement of sd Pieper before clerk

E M Mallick & P Mallick to W Wadham

lot no (2) Bl no (15) being N half of sd lot in Town of Columbus

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice of Colorado County

W Wadham To P Mallick

one half of lot no (2) in block no (15) in Town Columbus

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice Colorado Co

D Miller & T Miller To Jas Pinchback

600 acres land being part of said D & Ts portion of G Strawsschneiders headright league

certificate of W J Jones dist Judge & acknowledgment of sd Miller before clerk

[Book A, page 35]

James Cummins To T R Fisher

one league of land (except (685) acres) east side Colorado river granted to Cummins by mexico

T Fuller to J C McKean

400 acres land on the Navidad Being part of said Fulles head right

Certificate of Chief Justice of Bastrop County

A Alley To E W Perry

524 acres land east side Colorado River, part of R Alleys head right

acknowledgement before clerk by said Alley

R H Tobin To W Wadham

353 1/2 acres land west side Colorado River being part of Kenelleys head right

acknowledgement before clerk by said Tobin

J Cummins To R H Tobin

160 acres land west side Colorado River, on Cumins Creek being part Cs head right

acknowledgedment before clerk by said Cumins

An acount of William House was presented and allowed by the court for taking inquest on Wm Lusk and sumoning jury fifteen dollars

[Book A, page 36]

It is ordered by the court that on 11th October 1841 an order and decree of said court allowing W B Dewese seven dollars for fund for the use and ocupation of a house on the public Square known as the Bilyard room Be canseled

It is ordered by the court that six dollars per month for fund be approallowed Jacob Tipps for the use and ocupation of Two houses east side of the public Square to be used by the county as a court house clerks offices and said Tipps rents said houses to said county for Twelve months time from this date

It is ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that the contract between Colorado County & of the first part and John L Gilder and Pickens of second part for bilding a court house be canseled.

It is ordered that court be adjourned untill term in course

Kidder Walker

C. J. C. C.

William David

John F Miller



W B Perry clerk

County Court CC

[Book A, page 37]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it known that on this day of July AD 1842 There was begun and held in the Town of Columbus county aforesaid, a regular term of the County Court Present Honble Kidder Probate or County Judge William David & John F Miller associates W B Perry Clerk and R H Tobin sheriff when the following Business was tranacted to wit: A List of Deeds was presented By the clerk which was recived, and ordered by the Court to be posted up At the Court House Door with and extract to be recorded according to Law which is as follows

Names of Parties


How admitted

R Thomson & S H Stevenson To Asa Townsend

586 acres land east side Colorado river being a part of the head right of W R Hunt granted to Said Hunt by the mexican goverment

acknowledgement before K Walker chief Just of Colorado Co

Mary A Jackson To G E Edwards

1000 acres land east side Colorado River & adjoining W Kinchelo being a portion of A Jacksons head right

made in presence of T W Johnston

J L McKinzie To G E Edwards

1000 acres land east side Colorado river being a protion of A Jackson head Right

Judge oath of Dan R Kinchelo before clerk

[Book A, page 38]

A. Stafford To D Bright

840 acres land, being a portion of a League as granted to Thos Cartright east side Colorado River

made before Geo Ewing Judge

W D Lacy To Geo W Thatcher

840 acres land east side Colorado River & a portion of the head right of Thos Cartright

certificate of Thos Harvey Notary Public Matagorda Co

W Wadham To A Carter

286 acres land north side Colorado river & a portion of a tract of land known as the Harrison tract

oath of A M Lewis before clerk

A Carter To A M Lewis & John Swartz

133 acres land north side Colorado river being a portion of the tract as conveyed to A Carter by W Wadham admr H Harrison decd

acknowledgement before clerk by Carter

J M Norris & T E Norris To J W Cole

1 quarter of league of land, west side Colorado River, granted to W Robinson by the mexican gov

certificate of Two Justices of Washington County

John W Cole To D W Clinton Harris

one quarter league land west side Colorado river granted to W Robinson by the mexican gov

certificate of Two Justices of Washington County

Mary Reels & P Reels To John Pinchback

150 acres land east side Colorado river & a part of the Strawschnider League

certificate of W J Jones Dist Judg 2nd Jud Dist Texas

[Book A, page 39]

D Miller & To Miller

703 acres land east Bank Colorado River & a portion of the Strawschnider League

certificate of W J Jones Judge 2nd Jud Dist – Texas

J R Lewis To W Boyer

600 acres of land out of League (no 4) east side Colorado River & a part of the Kuyendall League

certificate of Thos Harvey notary public matagorda county

R H Tobin To Geo W Ward

The Town quarter of the League granted to McClain and McNair by the mexican gov

acknowledgemt before clerk by Tobin

Wm Alley & W Daniels To J F Miller

1/2 League Land west side Colorado River

oath of W Wadham before clerk

Deeds Filed for Record

D Ayers To M Muckleroy

1/2 League land & the half land which was granted to H Muckeroy as his head Right

oath of P Melor before clerk

J F Miller & wife - To Jas Pinchback

300 acres land west side Colorado River

acknowledgement before clerk by J F Miller and Ch K Walker

A Carter To J Broadback

300 acres land - a portion of the Harrison Tract purchased by Carter from W Wadham admr of H Harrison decd

oath of W Wadham Before Clerk

[Book A, page 40]

A Carter To Geo Obrect

1 1/2 acres land of the same tract as above to wit the Harrison tract

Oath of W Wadham Before Clerk

ordered that the Court adjourn till next term in course


W B Perry Clerk

  C C C C

Kidder Walker

Chief Justice


William David

John F Miller

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Know ye that on this 10th day of April 1843 there was began and held in and for said county A regular term of the county court. Present Hon. John F Miller Chief Justice. William David and Jacob Tipps associates. W B Perry clerk and R H Tobin Sff When the following Business was done. An election for asses was held to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation or Remove of Jesse Mercer. When John Toliver was duly elected and ordered that said Toliver give Bond and qualify according to Law.

[Book A, page 41]

and account B G Ijams was presented for eight dollars eighty seven & half cents which was allowed and ordered to Be Paid out of the county treasury.

An account was presented for fourteen dollars six of which was allowed and ordered to be Paid.

An account of John M Shanon was Presented for five dollars Texas mony when five for one and auditted & ordered to be Paid in Par funds for one dollar.

An account of W B Perry as clerk was Presented for Twelve dollars & five cents Par funds and C allowed and ordered to be Paid out of the county Treasury

Petition of W B Perry was presented Praying for an order and decree of said court to be Passed allowing and appropriating the sum of sixteen dollars Par funds an eight dollars in exchuquer which amount said clerk holds in his hands as stray money, for the Purchase of Books and stationary for 1843 -- which was allowed and said clerk is fully authorised to use said money and make (at end the end of sd year) out a Bill of the amount of money, as expended and what for

[Book A, page 42]

ordered that court Be adjourned untill to morrow morning 9 O. C.

John F Miller C. J. C. C

Court met pursuant to adjournment Present as Before.

A settlement was this day made Between W B Dewees Treasurer of said county, and the county court. and said Dewees as treasurer is indebted to said county one Hundred dollars in Par funds

An account of W B Dewees was presented to the court for services rendered as treasurer for one Hund dollars which was allowed and ordered to be Paid.

ordered By the court that W B Perry as agent of Jos W McClurg, Be and he is hereby allowed two dollars Per month for a house to be used for holding Probate and county courts, and for clerks offices and it is understood that said county is to keep said House for Twelve months for date.

Ordered that court Be adjourned untill term in course.


W B Perry Clerk

C. C. C C

John F Miller

Chief Justice C. C

William David

Jacob Tipps


[Book A, page 43]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Know ye that on this 9th day of October AD 1843 there was begun and held in and for said county a regular term of the county court Present Hon John F Miller chief justice William David and associates. W B Perry clerk and Meritt Hutchins Dept Sheriff when the following business was transacted to wit, a transcript of deeds was presented to the court by the clerk and [illegible] and ordered to be entered in the Proceedings & minutes of this court, and is as follows -- to wit

Names of Parties


How admitted

J Cummings To Willard Wadham

50 acres land part of Cummins headright on Cummins Creek

acknowledgement before Clerk

J G Izard & N H Izard To W S McLaughlin

120 acres land east side Cummins creek being a part of Jas Cumins headright League granted to him by mexico

acknowledgemt before county clerk

Republic of Texas to Willard Wadham

233 1/3 acres land on Cummins Creek

signature & seal coms Gen L office to President

[Book A, page 44]

President of Texas to Willard Wadham

86 2/3 acres of land on the Navidad

signature & seal gen L office & President

Republic of Texas to Willard Wadham & T Miller

1280 acres east of Navidad

signature & seal of gen L off & President

Republic of Texas to Maxwell Steell

640 acres of land west side Navidad in Colorado County

Signature & seal gen L office & President

Leander Beeson admr M Steel to Willard Wadham

640 acres of land west side Navidad in Colorado County

certificate of Kidder Walker Chief Justice C C

Probate Court to J. R. Lewis ass of Sarah Tone & Mary Decro

2265 1/3 acres of land part of the Kuykendall League east of Colorado River

certificate of S Dinsmore Chief Jus A C C & Thos Harvey N P M C & Decree of Probate Court C. C.

Probate Court to R H Kuykendall

453 acres of land being part of the Kuykendall League east of Colorado

Decree of Probate Court of Colorado Co.

[Book A, page 45]

Probate Court to Thos Kuykendall

453 acres of land east side Colorado River, being part of the headright of R H Kuykendall

Decree Probate Court of Colorado Co.

Probate Court to Jas Fitzgerald

453 acres land being part of the Kuykendall League east of Colorado River

Decree of the Probate Court of Colorado County

Probate Court to J F Kuykendall

453 acres land being part of the Kuykendall League east of Colorado River

Decree of Probate Court of Colorado Co.

Probate Court to A B Kuykendall

453 acres of land being part of the Kuykendall League east of Colorado River

Decree of the Probate Court of Colorado County

Probate Court to James Fitzgerald

184 2/3 acres land being part of the Kuykendall League west of Colorado River

Decree of the Probate Court C C

Probate Court to A B Kendall

184 2/3 acres land being part of the Kuykendall League west side Colorado River

Decree of Partition Probate Court Colorado Co.

[Book A, page 46]

Probate Court to Thos Kuykendall

184 2/3 acres of land being part of the Kuykendall League west side of the Kuykendall

Decree of Partition Probate Court Colorado County

Probate Court to Jos F Kuykendall

184 2/3 acres being part of the Kuykendall League west side Colorado River

Decree of Partition Court of C Co

Probate Court to R H Kuykendall

184 2/3 acres being part of the Kuykendall League west side Colorado River

Decree of Partition Probete Court C C

Probate Court to J R Lewis ass Mary Decro

184 2/3 acres being part of the Kuykendall League west side Colorado River

certificate of Thos Hardy N P Matagorda Co & decree Probate C CC

Probate Court to J. R. Lewis as of Sarah Tone

184 2/3 acres land part of the Kuykendall League west side Colorade River

Certificate of S Dinsmore Chief J M. C. & decree of Partition Probate

W B Dewees to P Mallick

1/2 lot in Columbus being S half lot no 2 in B no 15

Court C C oath of Geo Obrect witness before clerk

John F Miller to John Pinchback

380 acres land west side Colorado River

Signed in Presence of the Clerk

[Book A, page 47]

W B Dewees to J. L. Gilder

50 acres of land situate near upper ferry 1/2 mile from Columbus

acknowledgement before Clerk of C C

R H Tobin as Sheriff To Wm Pachard

1/4 League of land Lucretia Roach heir at Law of George Madison

acknowledgement before Clerk by Tobin

Peter Pieper to S. J. Redgate

100 acres of land being part of the Pieper League

oath of R H Tobin witness before Clerk

Andrew Ponten to W. G. L. Foley

453 acres of land being part of the League granted to William Ponten

certificate of Kidder Walker chief Justice C C

Wm F Oliver to A. McKinstry

2700 acres (except 900 acres) known as the Slaughter League

Certificate of Wm. F Johnson N. P. M. C.

Howard Mcleroy & wife to Mike McLeroy & wife

1111 acres of land, adjoining Saml Pettus in Colorado County

acknowledgement before Clerk

[Book A, page 48]

Wm Richardsen to Wm J. Huchins

826 acres land east side the Navidad

certificate of A. P. Thompson chief J. H. C

W B Dewees to John Law & E W Sanders

an undivided third of lot no 2 in B no 1 also S half of lot no 3 in Block no 15 in Columbus

acknowledgement before Clerk

Leonard Pickins to John Law & E W Sanders

an undivided fourth of lot no 6 in B no 16. also an undivided half of lot no 5 in B no 16

acknowledgemet before Clerk by Pickins

J. L. Gilder To John Law

half lot in Columbus known as lot no 5 in Blno 16 also onefourth of lot no 6 B no 16

oath of W J Jones witness before Clerk

Joel Ponton & Rhoda Ponton to W. G. L. Foley

1600 acres land on the Navidad in Colorado County

[Book A, page 49]

Wm Richardson by Wm J Hutchins to Kidder Walker

1600 acres of land on the Navidad in Colorado County

acknowledgemt before clerk by Hutchinson

Wm Boyer to J. R. Lewis

600 acres of land being part of the Kuykendall League

certificate of Thos Harvey N. P. Matagorda County

J R Lewis to Wm Boyer

600 acres of land being part of the Kuykendall League

certificate of Thos Harvey N P M C

R. H. Tobin as Sheriff to N. Townsend

750 acres of land on the Lavacca Taken in execution as property of Jas Campbell

acknowledgemt before Clerk by Tobin as Sheriff

W B Dewees to R. H. Tobin

Town in Columbus lot no 4 B no 5

acknowledgement before Clerk

Jas Mckinzie to Jas O Myers

500 acres of land adjoining H. A. McVeals tract of Land

acknowledgemt before Clerk

Wm R. Newman to J. J. Lackey

525 1/2 acres, east side Colorado river being part of the League granted to Jas Newman decd

acknowledgemet before Clerk of C C

[Book A, page 50]

Richard Wodard to Jack & Towns

640 acres of land being part of the head right of said Wodard

acknowledgement before clerk C C

R. Stevenson & wife to John Hope

5555 2/3 acres being part of the headright of W R Hunt

certificate of J F Miller C. J. C C

S. J. Redgate to Jane Curry

100 acres on Cummins creek S. J. Redgate as of E Jones

oath of M. A. M Lewis witness before Clerk

John York To R. Stevenson

one labor of land, on the Colorado River

oath of H Greig witness before Clerk

R. Stevenson to L. Rucetin

one labor of land being the same from York to Stevenson

Signed in presince of Clerk by Stevenson

R Stevenson & wife to Turner

413 acres on the east side, Colorado River, being part of the headright of J Cummins

certificate of John F Miller C. J.

S. P. Best to A Fraser

840 acres of land being part of the headright of S. P. Fraser.

[Book A, page 51]

Albert Horton to Wm Boyle

600 acres of land east side Colorado river, being part of the Kuykendall League

certificate of M Talbot chief Justice M. C.

Wm B Owen to John Low

half of lot n. 6 in B n. 16. & Frame thereon in Columbus

oath of Orville Earlle witness before clerk c c

S. J. Redgate to Mary Grimes

266 2/3 acres of land, 3 miles N. E. of Cumins Creek

acknowledgement before Clerk by Redgate

Patrick Reels & wife to S McTenel

163 acres near Colorado River on the east side, being part of the Strawschneider League

certificate of W J Jones Dist Judge

Stevenson Townsend & wife to William Earp

Town lot in Columbus lot no 3 in Block no 14

oath of A Carter withness before clerk

Meritt Hutchins to Isam Tooke

301 acres land, being same as purchased of Tooke by Hutchins

oath of L. W. Alexander witness before clerk

[Book A, page 52]

J Tipps to Wm C. Baxter

west half of lot no. 6 in B no 14 in Columbus

oath of G. W. Gardiner witness before clerk

John Pinchback to J. C. Earp

220 acres land east side Colorado River being part of Strawschnider League

oath of Jas Peacock witness before clerk

Abel Beeson to W B Owens

Part of home tract more fully described in the deed Book D. Page 241

acknowledgement before Clerk by Beeson

John Toliver to S. S. B. Fields

Town lot in Columbus, being lot no. 5 in B no. 3

acknowledgement before Clerk by Toliver

Ellinder Earp to J. G. Campbell

a lot in Block no. 14, known on plat of Columbus

oath of N. H. Izard witness before Clerk

W G L. Foley & wife to J. N. Mitchel

300 acres land being part of the headright of Jas Campbell

certificate of W J Jones Dist Judge

[Book A, page 53]

A M Lewis to R. H. Tobin

425 acres of land on the Navidad being part of W C Cumins head right

oath of John Toliver witness before Clerk

J. T. Belknap to F M Scoane

555 1/2 acres of being part of Jos Thompsons head right

certificate of chief Justice M. C.

J. T. Belknap to E Prescott

555 1/2 acres being Part of Jos Thompsons head right

certificate of M Talbot M co

Jas Campbell & wife to D T Hall

north half of a League land purchased from Dabney by Campbell

certificate of J. McMillan chief Justice Bexar co.

S Hicks to J. M Shanon

3 five acre lots in Columbus adjoining the Demoss tract

oath of J. L. Gilder before Clerk

Jos Campbell & wife to Joel Ponton

483 acres land being part of J. Campbells headright

oath of H. Eggleston witness before clerk

Isam Tooke & wife to John Hope

300 acres land being part of the headright of J. Highland

certificate of W J Jones Dist Judge

[Book A, page 54]

D. F Fitchett to W. J. Jones

400 acres & upwards of land being part of the Tumblinson League near Columbus

oath of Gilbert Jackson witness before clerk

Jas Cummins to W C Cummins

640 acres more or less east of Cummins Creek

acknowledgement before Clk

Asa M. Lewis to John Chaney

575 acres taken off the lower half of W C Cummins headright

acknowledgement before Clerk

Eliza Byrn to Edward Davis

Town lot in Columbus lot No 1 in B 21

oath of Stephen Townsend witness before Clerk

Kelch to C Kesler

being lower quarter of the Silvey tract west side Colorado River

certificate of J F Miller C. J. C. C.

A Alley & wife to C Kesler

150 acres being Part of the Robson League

acknowledgement before Clerk

R. H. Tobin as Sheriff to A M Lewis

1000 acres sold as land of W Woodley and being part of the Campbell League

acknowledgemt before Clerk

[Book A, page 55]

S. J Redgate to G B Halyard

463 1/3 acres on Cummins creek being part of six hundred & fifty acres surveyed for E. Jones

acknowledgement before Clerk

S. R. Bostick to W H Secrest

[illegible] part of the Bostick League on Navidad, and interest in the Bend above Columbus

acknowledgement Before Clerk

"Deeds filed for Record"

W. T. McLaughlin to William Frels

202 acres on Cummins creek being the same deeded to McLaughlin by J. G. & N. H. Izard

B. Beimer to C. F. L. Earnberg

35 acres land being part of the Piper League on Cummins Creek

An account was Presented by Meritt Hutchins which was allowed and ordered to be filed and certificate issued by the clerk to the treasurer of said county for said amount.

An account was presented by W B Perry Clerk of said court for servises rendered, which was allowed and court ordered that certificate issue by the clerk of said court, to the treasurer of

[Book A, page 56]

said county for the amount fourteen dollars & seventy cents, it being the amt. of said account

ordered that court be adjourned untill regular term in course.


W B Perry Clerk


John F Miller

Chief Justice c. c

William David associate

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Know ye that on this    day of     AD 1844 there was held in the Town of Columbus and for said county a regular term of the county court present

When the following Business was transacted to wit a transcript of Deeds as admitted to Record since the last term of the county court was furnished by the clerk and ordered to be duly entered on the minutes of this court as required by Laws and as follows

Names of Parties


How admitted

W. T. McLaughlin to W Frels

202 acres land on Cumings Creek being same deeded to McLaughlin by N H & G Izard

oath of Wile Cumings before Co Clerk

[Book A, page 57]

Benard Beimer to L C Erdenberg

35 acres land on Cumings Creek part of P Piepers head Right

oath of Robt Walters before clerk

Leander Beeson to G L Gilder

300 acres more or less East side Colorado river being part of a League granted to H Haddon

oath of O Earll witness before co. clerk

John Toliver to Mary E Baster

town in Columbus being E half lot no 4 in Block no 6 fronting on Walnut St

acknowledgmt before clerk

Hugh McKenzie to W. J. Jones

one quarter league land west side Colorado river, granted to Whiting by the mexican government

oath of M Hutchins witness before clerk

Amsted Carter to G Obrect

1 1/2 acres land east side Colorado river Part of the Harrison tract

oath of L W Alexander before co clerk

A Sherrill to M G Roundtree

333 acres land East side Lavacca river

certificate of Dist Judge & acknowledgemt before co clerk

R H Tobin as Sheriff to B G Ijams

a survey of 13 1/2 labors land on mixons creek Sold by Executer as property of Bunton for Taxes

acknowlemt before clerk by Tobin

John Hope to Wm Hope

100 acres land being part of the tract purchased by Hope from R Stevenson on east side colorado river

acknowledgemt before clerk by Hope

[Book A, page 58]

R H Kuykendall to V. A. Stewart

Piece land known on the plat of the town of Fulton B 31 & 37 in all 24 acres

acknowledgmt before clerk

John Hope to John Suggs

273 1/2 acres land being Part of a League granted to W R Hunt by the mexican gov.

certificate of W J Jones Dist Judge

R H Kuykendall to A Northinton

100 acres land at Fulton being Part the Kuykendall League

acknowledgmt before clerk

Eli Mercer to W J. Read

56 1/2 acres land adjoining lands of Heard & Nancy Kellet 52 3/4 acres, being part of a League granted to James Jones

oath of J W Hodges witness before clerk

R H Tobin as Sheriff to Kidder Walker

one Labor of Land west side colorado river known as H. Mays labor

acknowledgmt before clerk by Tobin

G W Ward to C R Worland

one Block lots in Columbus known as no 38 containing 6 lots

certificate of Thos Harvey not Pub matagroda county

C R Worland to G W Ward

one Block lots in Columbus known as no 38 containing 6 lots

Deeds filed for record

W J Jones administrater of H Harrison to W G Hunt

390 acres land east side colorado river known as portion o the quarter of League

acknowledgmt before clerk

[Book A, page 59]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

July 8th, 1844

at a meeting of the chief justice and associate to wit Honble John F Miller George when the following business was done to wit and W B Perry clerk

(no 1) It is ordered & decreed that the Spanish Camp in said county and in the Bounds of Beat no. 4 be and is hereby hereby established as a precinct for holding elections

(2) It is ordered & decreed that the House & residence of James Nelson in said county and in the Bounds of beat no 4 be and is hereby established as a precinct for holding elections

(3) It is ordered & decreed that the residence of J Martin D Ramsey in beat no 1 be and is hereby established as a precinct for holding elections -- and that the precinct as established at Charles Keslers be discontinued

(4) It is ordered & decreed that the Town of Columbus in Beat no 1 be and is hereby established as precinct for holding elections

(5) It is ordered & decreed that the residence of Mason Foley (formerly tended by H. King) in Beat no 2 be and is hereby established as a precinct for holding elections in said county.

(6) It is ordered & decreed that the school house in the german settlement in said county in beat no 3 be and is hereby established as a precinct for elections


W.B. Perry clerk


John F Miller Chief Justice C C

G W Gardner associate

[NOTE: This page is followed by 27 blank pages.]

[Book A, page 60]

Republic of Texas

Colorado County

At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for said county holden at Columbus April 14th A D 1840 at which time & place a majority of the Justices of the Peace for the county attended together with the Chief Justice Kidder Walker H. M Sallee Dpty Clk & David Wade Sheriff whereupon the following business was done viz

The petition of Charles Mason was presented for a Ferry to cross to Colorado River at Silvey Bluff on the League of John Byrne opposite the League of Gabriel Straw Snider -- also that the rates of toll be the same as fixed for the regulations of other ferrys in said county

                                      the prayer of which was granted

Ordered by the court that John Sutherland defaulting Justice be fined the sum of $25

John F. Miller & Samuel J. Redgate were duly elected associate Justices for the year ending April 14th 1841

The petition of Asa Townsend verbal was presented for [illegible] the order previously Granted by the court for a road to be laid off running from Columbus to the count line west of the Colorado in a direct route to Colorado Cty upon the nearest & best route-- That Asa & Stephen Townsend Jesse Mercer Sion R. Bostick & W. Stapleton be commissioners to lay off said roads -- & Asa Townsend be overseer upon the same

The precinct to be as follows to wit All the hands East of Scull

[Book A, page 61]

Creek & North of the Gonzales Road West of C. River & extending to Dewees Ferry -- & also William Watts P Hands

petition for a road leading from Columbus to Gonzales within the limits of said county composed of the following boundary commencing at the head of Scull creek & running south west of the same To six miles south of the Gonzales Road-- Thence due West to R. Woodward League including the same thence North to the Fayette line - thence to beginning commissioners to lay off the same Kidder Walker W. T. Townsend Stap. Townsend Ricd Woodward & Nimrod Morris overseer W. T. Townsend above granted

The following named persons were appointed Coms to act in conjunction with court from Fayette County to lay off a road within the limits of C County running from Lagrange to Texana to be persons residing in the precinct between Navidad & Labacca – M. B. Foley Richard Chaney A. T. Foley J. Morris & McKinney

overseer M. B. Foley -- Granted

The road on the route to Gonzales to Scull Creek from Columbus to be laid off & to be composed of the following boundarys -- B. G. Ijams the coms as above stated -- overseer commencing at Columbus. Including all west of street runing south to Ratliffs thence west up said creek to the old Gonzales Road thence with said Road to Scull Creek – Granted -- thence to the beginning with the boundary of first precinct

A road to be laid off within said county West of Colorado River in a road to Robersons Ferry the nearest & best route -- overseer Abel Beeson Coms Abel Beeson J. F. Miller J. E. Silvey W. Wadham W. Wright

[Book A, page 62]

Boundaries as follows Commencing at Abel Beesons Including him thence with the old Victoria Road to Scull Creek thence Down said creek to its mouth thence up the Colorado to the Beginning Granted

On the Road leading to Robinsons Ferry in Said County Bounded as follows All South of Scull Creek in Said County & East of the Navidad Overseer B. R. Thomas Coms. B. R. Thomas Dabney Doct. Jno Sutherland J. R. Bartlett & William Wright Granted

A Road to be laid off leading from the upper ferry at Columbus in the most Suitable Route in a Direction to Washington within Said County to Intersect [illegible] Road from Austin County to the town of Washington near Bennetts League in A. County

Boundaries of the precinct to Wash Said Road Beginning at the ferry at Columbus & Running with the Road by the burnt Gin to Cummings Creek thence up said creek to the Fayette line East of Said creek & thence west with said line to the dividing Ridge between Colorado & Said creek thence down said Divide to the Beginning overseer Jas Cummings.

Coms J. W. Cumings S. J. Redgate J. S. Rawlings B. M. Daugherty & W. G. Hunt.

Ordered that the Road leading from the ferry at Columbus leading to Lagrange be left open & altered if necessary. Within said county Boundaries Commencing at the said ferry Running up the Colorado River on the East side, to the Fayette line thence East Intersecting the Boundary of the above

[Book A, page 63]

Precinct thence with said line to the Beginning the overseer John Crier Granted

Ordered that the Road leading from Columbus to Sanfelipe in the limits of said county be laid off. Upon the nearest & best Route

Boundaries as follows Commencing at the old tan yard Running E. to the Bernard Prairie thence N to the Washington Road Precinct thence down the River South to the Beginning & crossing the River & including all E. of P. Square --- in the Town of Columbus Coms Dewees Halyard S Townsend J Tipps W. David Overseer

The Road Running from Columbus to Matagorda West of C River to be kept open. The Precinct Below the Tan yard Bounded Commencing at the T. yard & Running with the Sanfelipe Precinct to the Bernard Prairie thence South E paralel with the Colorado thence West to the River Including Ramsey Overseer W Alley

Ordered that the Road leading from San Felipe to Lagrange passing through Jas Cummings Precinct be completed by the hands Belonging to said Precinct

Ordered the Jasper Gilbert be appointed overseer in place of D. Rawls

It is ordered by the court that when new Roads are established or old ones changed in this Route that the Comisioners severally appointed shall hand their Report designating the Route Signed by a majority over to the overseer of their Precincts which shall authority to such overseer to proceed in the Execution of his duties &c.

[Book A, page 64]

Ordered & Decreed by the court of County Coms that there be levied a tax for County purposes upon the same property & same persons subject to a state tax for the Republic for the year ending December 1839-- the sum of $1701 It being one half of the tax for the Republic for 1839

Where by order of the court of County Coms William B Dewees was unanimously elected County Treasurer -- said bond in the sum of $5000 with security that as a stipend for said services he be allowed the sum of $250 to be retained out of the money collected & further ordered that said Treasurer be required to make quarterly returns to said court of all moneys coming into his hands &c. by virtue of his said appointment.

It ordered & decreed by the court that the sum of $300 be allowed to William B. Dewees for a house to be used by the county for a court house Dist. & County Clks office for the term of one year from the present time April 14th 1840 to be paid by the county out of money arising to the county for taxes &c. Texas promissory rates

Thereupon the court adjourned Sine die

Kidder Walker Chf Justice

[Book A, page 65]

At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for Colorado County held 14th July, 1840, at the court house in town of Columbus, the Chief Justice Kidder Walker, and associate justices J. F. Miller & S. J. Redgate Esqrs. being present, the following business was transacted, viz =

The petition of Charles Mason was presented praying for the operating of a road from the East bank of the Colorado River at the ferry at the "Walnut-Bluffs" to intersect the Matagorda road at the most convenient point, and was granted- and Patrick Reels, Jacob Lynch James McNair, John Mathews & James S Montgomery were appointed Commissioners to view and mark said road, and also to straiten the road leading from John Mathew's to M D Ramseys and all the hands from J. S. Montgomery's to M D Ramsey's including the hands of J. S. Montgomery, were designated, to perform the work on said roads. And Jacob Lynch was appointed Overseer of said roads to cause the same to be cut out after they shall have been viewed and marked

It is ordered that George W Thatcher, Benj Stogden, Preston Gilbert, Jasper Gilbert & James Nelson be appointed Commissioners to view, straiten and mark out the road leading from James S Montgomery's to Mrs Newman's, and that the hands on said road between said places excluding the hands of J. S. Montgomery be designated to work said road and that Jasper Gilbert be appointed Overseer to cause the same to be cut out & worked, after it shall have been viewed & marked.

[Book A, page 66]

An account dated 14th July, 1840, was presented by Sheriff Tobin, for services rendered in serving notices to vewers, and overseers of roads &c amounting to ($17.10) seventeen dollars & ten cents which was allowed

An account was presented to the court by the County Clerk, for services in making out register of land titles, stray list & for stationary up to July Term 1840, inclusive, amounting to ($30-) thirty dollars -which was allowed

An account was presented by the County Clerk amounting to ($45-) forty five dollars, for services at different terms of Court, and in notifying viewers & overseers of roads

The court order that the County Court Clerk draw out of the County Treasury off the first money received, the sum of ($100-) one hundred dollars, to be appropriated to the purchase of Books of record & stationary

An account was presented by J. W. McClurg Ex- of estate of

R. Brotherton decd, amounting to ($39-) thirty nine dollars, which was allowed

Court adjourned  Sine die

Kidder Walker Chf J

John F Miller Asst

Saml J. Redgate As

[Book A, page 67]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for said county held 3d October 1840, at the court house in the town of Columbus, the Chief Justice Kidder Walker and associate Justices John F Miller, Saml J Redgate and David Ives Esquires being present, the following business was transacted, viz:

The following certificates were presented found to be correct.

One granted to John Toliver dated May 17th 1838 for $1.50

do    "            Do      August 14th 1838 16.50

"    "   Hugh McCollum          Do      Do       9.00

"    "   Isom Tooke              "       "      16.50

"    "   John Pinchback          "       "       9.00

"    "   Jess Courtney           "       "     16.50

"    "   Isom Tooke         May 17th  "       1.50

"    "   John L Gilder      14th Augt Do     16.50

"    "   Abel Beeson        3d October 1840   4.50

"    " Do   Do                  Do   "       1.50

"    " "    "                    "   "       9.00

"    "   Abraham Alley      October 8th 1838 1.50

"    "      Do                 5 April 1837      1.50

"    "   Rezin Byrn         May 17th 1838     1.50

"    "   John Thompson      April 3d 1837     1.50

"    "   Moses Townsend          Do      "       1.50

"    "   Joel W Robinson         "       "       1.50

"    "   Henry T Arnold       " 9th 1838      1.50

"    "   Moses Townsend     May 17th 1838     1.50

"    "   Martin D Ramsey    June 13th 1840    4.50

"    "     Do                  May 17th 1838     1.50

"    "   Eli Clapp             March 28th 1840   7.50

"    "    Do                   Augt 14th 1838   16.50

"    "   M D Ramsey              Do   "    "    16.50

[Book A, page 68]

The following audited accounts were presented and found to be correct and ordered to be recorded and warrants to be issued for the amounts

[illegible] Rezin Byrn dated 27th April 1840 amtd to $40.00

"  W B Dewees   "   8      Do   Do   " "  34.00

"  Rezin Byrn   "   3rd October 1839 "    "  40.00

"    Do   Do "   16th Novr   Do   " " 105.00

"    " " "   15th July 1840   " "  45.00

"  W B Dewees    18th May 1839    " "  22.50

"  R Byrn & H M Sallee 1838      " "  45.00

"  W Townsend                        " "  15.00

"  J W McClurg Ex   15th July 1840   " "  39.00

"  County Clerk 15th  Do    " " "  30.00

"  H Montgomery Sallee April 27th "  " " 140.00

"  Stephen Townsend  Augt 22d 1838   " " 125.00

"     Do     Do                      " "  70.00

"  Stephen Townsend  3 April 1837 "    "  50.00

"  Rezin Byrn    8th Do  1840 " "  24.00

"  Francis Mayhar   Octr 21st 1838   "    "  20.00

[Book A, page 69]

The following certificates were also presented and allowed

Given to Aaron Williams D August 14th 1840  for $16.80

Do   "  John Toliver    " Feb 5th 1849    " 7.50

 "   "  Wm Frails       " May 16th 1840   " 9.00

 "   "  James Cummins   " April 3d 1839   " 1.50

 "   "      Do             "  Do 9th 1838       " 1.50

 "   "  B G Ijams       " Feby 5th 1840   " 4.50

 "   "  B M Dougherty   " Septr 14th 1840 " 7.50

 "   "  Francis Mayhar " Augt 14th 1838 "   16.50

 "   "  John Pinchback " May 17th   Do    "   1.50

 "   "  Thos Morris     " Augt 18th 1838   "   9.00

 "   "  Darwin Alexander   " for April Term 1840 "   6.30

 "   "  W Hudgeons      " Augt 14th 1838   "   9.00

 "   "  Jas Burleson    "  Do "    "   "   16.50

 "   "     Thomas       " for Nov 1839    " 6.00

 "   "  John Crier      " 9th June 1840   " 3.00

 "   "  Stapleton Townsend " 29th Feby 1840     " 7.50

 "   "  Saml K. Blish   " 14th Augt 1838 " 9.00

 "   "  John Cheney     " 13th Jany 1840 " 9.00

 "   "  James Burleson " May 17th 1838   " 1.50

 "   "  J W Johnson     " 8th May 1840    " 4.50

 "   "  James Bulerson " 15th June 1840 " 7.50

 "   "  John Crier      " Nov 7 1839   "    7.50

 "   "  William Hudgeons   " 17th May 1838      " 1.50

 "   "  L W Alexander   " 17th May 1838      " 1.50

 "   "      Do             " October 1838       " 3.00

 "   "  Darwin Alexander   " 18th Augt 1838     " 9.00

 "   "  Rezin Byrn      " 14th  Do  1838 "   16.50

 "   "  Joseph W McClurg   " 13th June 1840     " 4.50

 "   "  F Scranton      " 14th Augt 1838 "   16.50

 "   "     Do              " 17th May  Do       " 1.50

 "   "  Kidder Walker   " 1st September 1840 " 3.00

 "   "  William Wright " Octr 19th 1837 " 3.00

                             Carried forward  ----

[Book A, page 70]

given to Saml J Redgate 14th Augt 1838 for $16.50

 "   "  Asa Mixon   18th  Do   Do   " 9.00

 "   "  S J Redgate 17th May 1838   " 1.50

 "   "  Willard Wadham 25th June 1839  " 3.00

 "   "    Do        15th Octr  Do   " 3.00

 "   "     "        21st  " "   "   12.00

 "   "     "        25th March  "   " 3.00

 "   "     "           30   April  "   " 3.00

 "   "     "        27th May "   " 3.00

 "   "     "        17th  " "   " 3.00

 "   " "           30th Octr   "   " 3.00

 "   "     "        27th Augt   "   " 3.00

 "   "     "        15th Octr   "   " 6.00

 "   "     "        28th  Do "   " 3.00

[Book A, page 71]

[All text crossed out by the clerk]

[Book A, page 72]

[All text crossed out by the clerk]

[Book A, page 73]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it remembered that a meeting of the board of County Commissioners was held in & for said County at the court house in the town of Columbus on the eleventh day of January A D 1841 present Hon. Kidder Walker Probate Judge, & John F Miller & Saml. J. Redgate Esquires, Associate Justices, and the following following business was transacted; viz: The Court went into the election of Assessors of Colorado County for the year eighteen hundred & forty one, which resulted in the choice of John L Gilder

It is ordered and decreed that there be assessed a tax in Colorado County upon the property therein and persons, to be applied to county purposes, for the year 1841, of one half of the amount assessed by the assessor for the state, to be collected in the same manner and at the same time as the state tax

[Book A, page 74]

It is ordered that the following rates be established for ferriage at the different ferriages in Colorado County, for citizens of the county,

viz: For wagons and all 4 wheeled carriages -- $0.50

For oxen per yoke    -      -       -         .12 ½

"  man & horse   -        -     -            .12 ½

"  Horse packed -        -     -         .12 ½

"  Foot man         -     -     -         .06 ¼

"  single horse -        -     -         .06 ¼

"  cart of 2 wheeled carriage  -    -        .37 ½

"  mules, jacks & jennies same as horses     .---

"  cattle  per head    -    -    -        .03

"  hogs per head    -    -   -         .02

It is ordered that the above rates shall be paid by citizens of the county, and that double rates be paid by all others

It is ordered that court be adjourned sine die

Kidder Walker

Chief J. C. C.

Saml J. Redgate J. P.

John F Miller J. P.

[Book A, page 75]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it Remembered that on this 13 day of May Eighteen hundred & forty one there was Begun and held in & for said county a Special Term of commissioners of Roads and Revanue present, Hon Kidder Walker Chief Justice, William David, John F Miller Jacob Tipps Esq Robert H Tobin Sheriff, & W B Perry Clerk when the following Business was Transacted viz;

An Election was held for Tow associate justices, when William David & Jhn F Miller was duly Elected

Kidder Walker

C. J. C. C.


W B Perry clk county court and Ex officio clk Board land com.

[Book A, page 76]

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it remembered that on this Eleventh day of October A.D. 1841 --there was begun and held in & for said county a regular term of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue Present The Honble Kidder Walker Chief Justice, William David, Saml J Redgate & Jacob Tipps Esquires Robert H. Tobin Sheriff and John Eaton Deputy Clerk, when the following business was transacted viz It is ordered by the Court the a Road begining at the Public Square in the Town of Columbus running direct to the present lower ford of the upper ferry & to intersect the Washington Road at the nearest point on the north bank of the Colorado River, be opened & Established as a public County Road

It is ordered by the Court that W. T. Townsend be appointed overseer of the County Road to Gonzales viz from the Town of Columbus to Rocky Creek.

It is ordered by the Court that Asa Townsend be appointed overseer of the Road to La Grange from the Town of Columbus to the Fayette Crossing

[Book A, page 77]

It is ordered by the Court that G. B. Halyard be appointed overseer of the Road from the upper ferry at the Town of Columbus, to the Fayette Line of the Washington Road Also from the Ford between the upper ferry

It is ordered by the Court that William Alley be appointed overseer of the Road from the Town of Columbus to San felipe de Austin, so far as the San Bernard - by way of the old Road, near Tan Yard

It is ordered by the Court that Geo. C. Hatch be appointed overseer of the Road Leading from the Town of Columbus to Matagorda, begining at the Tan Yard and to so far as Ramseys old Residence

It is ordered by the Court that Abel Beeson be appointed overseer of the Road leading from the Town of Columbus to Matagorda, near West Bank of the Colorado, so far as the boundary line of the County Colorado

[Book A, page 78]

It is ordered by the Court that John Chaney be appointed overseer of the Road, from the Fayette line of the La Grange Road leading to Texanna.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. E. Wallace be appointed overseer of the Road from the Town of Columbus to the Fayette Line of the La Grange Road.

Kidder Walker Chief Jtce

William Dewees

Jacob Tipps

Saml J. Redgate


John Eaton Deputy Clerk C. C. C. C.

and ex off clerk to County Commissioners

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it known that on this 11 day of April A. D. 1842 there was begun and held in and for said county A regular term of the County Commissioners of Roads and revenue of said county Present the Hon Kidder Walker Chief Justice, John F Miller William David Saml J Redgate and Jacob Tipps Esqrs and WB Perry Clerk and Tobin Sheriff when the following business was transacted to wit ordered by the court that William B Dewese be allowed fifty dollars per anum for his services as Treasurer of said county

[Book A, page 79]

The petition of Armsted Carter was presented praying for the privelege of removing the upper Ferry from where it originally was about one hundred yards above and remooved where it is Established by said Carter and said road be kept up petition granted by the court

Also prays increase of Ferage petition lost

Petition also by said Carter for a road from Columbus to cross at a ford caled Carter's ford thence down said Colorado River to the division line betwen A M Lewises and at Carters line then run due West to the Washington road – granted

Ordered by the court that Abell Beeson Abraham Ally and Gorge C Hatch act as assesors to assess the damage that said Carter may be damaged by the aforesaid road.

It is ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that Armsted Carter be allowed double the present highest rates of Ferage so soon as the road from Columbus via Carters Ferry to the Washington road is opened

Court adjourned to 9 OClock 12th April 1842

Kidder Walker

Chief Justice

[Book A, page 80]

April 12th 9 OClock Court met pursuant to adjournment

Ordered by the court that the commissioners appointed to assess the damage that A Carter may be damaged by the road runing through his land make their report to the Clerk of the county court in four weeks time from this date.

It is ordered by the court that Williamson Daniels be appointed overseer of the road runing from Carters ford via Jack Criers to the Fayette line and he is thereby required to act as said over seer

Further ordered by the court that all the hands west side of Cumings Creek and East side of the Colorado river within the limits of said county work on the road from Carters ford via Jack Criers to the Fayette line, Except J B Halyard - Dodson – and the hands living at the Burt Ginn

It is ordered by the court that G. B. Halyard be appointed over Seer of the road from A Carters Ferry leding through the Jarman neighborhood to Washington as far as the boundary line of said County.

[Book A, page 81]

It is ordered by the Court that William Ally be appointed over Seer of the Road Leading from the lower Ferry at Columbus to Sanfelipe, as far as the limits of Said County.

It is ordered by the Court that G C Hatch be appointed overseer of the road Leading from Columbus to matagorda, Begining at the Tan yard and as far as Ramseys old residence

It is ordered by the Court that A Road to Be Laid out to Commence at Wrights to run on a direct line to the old Washington Road on the most Eligable ground.

Further ordered that Elijah Wright R Byrn H Haddon E. Harvel and Saml J Redgate Be appinted to act as Commissioners to mark out said road and make report to the Clerk of the County, in six weeks time from this date.

And further ordered that Wright Be appointed overSeer of Said road -and the following hands work on said road Wrights Burnses Brookses Haskell and those at his house

[Book A, page 82]

A petition of R Stevenson and others was presented praying for a road to be Laid out as follows to Commence at Asa Townsend crossing on the Colorado River and on the most Elibable route and intersect the Washington road in the neighborhood of James Cumings on Cumings Creek petition granted

Further ordered that the following persons act as commissioners to lay out said road and make report at the next term of said court to wit James Cumings - John Suggs - N. H. Izard G B Halyard and Asa Townsend.

It is ordered by the Court that B G Ijams be appointed overSeer of the road from Columbus via Thomsons to Scull Creek called the Gonzales road - the following hands work on said road IJames - Shannons Wm Wattses & Tooke

It is ordered by the court that Stapleton Townsend be appointed overseer of the road from Scull creek to the Navidad via Wm Townsends

It is ordered that Jacob Tipps be appointed overseer of the road from the Public Square in Columbus to Carters ford

[Book A, page 83]

and the following hands are to work on Said road Waren Addoms & hands J Merceres and said Tipps hands

Further ordered that the following hands work on the road from Columbus to Sanfelipe as far as the San Bernard - to wit all the hands in Columbus Except Jacob Tipps and hands W J Joneses William Watts and J. Tooke - also at Leander Beesons plantation W David Wm Alleys hands Haddons and Harons also are to work on said Sanfelipe Road.

It is ordered and drecreede by the court that W H Blair Be appointed overseer of the road from Columbus to Keslers Bluffs thence on to the Crosing on Scull Creek and all the hands west side the Colorado River and Below Columbus, to the mouth of Skull Creek work on said Road

[Book A, page 84]

It is ordered and decreede by the court that James Burles Be appointed overseer of the road from the Crosing at the mouth of Skull Creek down the Colorado River west of Said River to the matagorda line

It is ordered By the court that Jociel Ponton be appointed overseer of the road from Lagrange to Texaner

It is ordered that court be adjourned untill regular Term in in course

Kidder Walker, Chief Justice & Prest Bd

John F. Miller assc

Saml J. Redgate Assc Justice

J. Tipps J P


W B Perry Clerk

C. C & E. C. B. C

[Book A, page 85]

Republic of Texas

Colorado County

Be it known that on this 11th day of July 1842 There was begun and held in the Town of Columbus Colorado County a regular meeting of the County Commissioners for said county. Present Honble Kidder Walker President and Chief Justice William Davis John F Miller and Jacob Tipps associates W B Perry Clerk and R H Tobin Sheriff When the following business was transacted to wit

The account of William B Perry was presented and allowed which was for Books paper and services rendered amount of said account Twenty one dollars and ten cents par funds

Motion was made by John F Miller for a road to be laid out on the Best and most direct route from John Pinchbacks residence to or near E W Perrys residence to cross the Colorado River at a ford about six hundred yards above Tuscaseat crossing and further ordered that John Pinchback Abraham Alley and Gorge C Hatch act as commissioners to lay out said road and make return to the clerk

Motion was made By Willard Wadham for a road to be laid out to run from Keslers Bluffs to Mrs Hallets on Lavacca on the most direct and elagible rout which was granted

Further ordered that John Chaney, Isom Marshal and James Burleson act as commissioners to lay out said road and make return to the clerk

[Book A, page 86]

It is ordered that court be adjourned untill regular term in course


W B Perry Clerk

C C // C C

Kidder Walker


John F Miller

William David

associates c c

Jacob Tipps J P

Republic of Texas

Colorado County

Be it known that on this 9th day of January 1843 There was held in the Town of Columbus and for said county a Regular meeting of the county commissioners of Roads and revenue. Present John F Miller William David and Jacob Tipps Esqrs. W B Perry clerk and John Toliver deputy sheriff when the following business was transacted to wit:

On motion It is ordered and decreede By the court that a Road be laid out leading from the Town of Columbus via James Pinchbacks crossing the colorado river at said Pinchbacks thence to intersect the old Matagorda Road at John Mathess Rezidence and commissioners be appointed to lay out said Road on the best ground.

And further ordered that M. D. Ramsey, James Burleson James McNair Patrick Reels, and Daniel Miller

[Book A, page 87]

act as commissioners to lay out sd Road and Plainly mark out the same

It is further ordered that M D Ramsey act as overseer of said Road from Columbus to Mathess via James Pinchback the following hands are heereby ordered to work on said Road. Those belonging to John Mathes J Montgomery, McNair Murfy [illegible] Kelsey, James Burleson and hands, Ramsey & hands, Jas Pinchback and hands, & Travis Miller & hands

It is ordered that court be adjourned untill regular term in course.

John F Miller

William David

Jacob Tipp

Associate Justices

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Know ye that on this 10th day of April 1843 there was began and held in and for said county a regular term of the county commissioners of Roads and revenue Present Hon John F Miller Chief Justice John Chaney William David and Jacob Tipps Esqur & W B Perry clerk and R H Tobin Sff when the following Business was done. an Election was held for two associate Justices to compose the county

[Book A, page 88]

court when the following persons were duly Elected, to wit William David and Jacob Tipps Esqrs.

Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it known that on this 9 day of October A D 1843 There was begun and held in and for said county a regular term of the court of Roads and Revenue Prensent Hon John F Miller Chief Justice & President of the Board, William David, and George W Gardiner Esqrs W B Perry Clerk and Meritt Hutchins Deputy Sheriff

There not being a majority of the Justices of said county present court was ordered to ba adjoined untill the 23rd Instant.

John F Miller

Chief Justice Colorado Co

William David

G. W. Gardner


It appears to the satisfaction of the Chief Justice and chairman of the Board that Samel J Redgate, L. C. Evenberg, John Chaney

[Book A, page 89]

and David Ives Esqrs. have been duly summoned and Notified to attend the regular term of the commissioners court of Roads and revenue, and have failed and refused to attend as duly notified

Therefore I John F Miller Chief Justice and President of the Board as aforesaid, do order Each absenting Justice aforesaid to be fined in the sum of Twenty five dollars, and ordered that the clerk make out and hand over an extract of this order and decree to George W Gardiner Esqr and he is authorised to try suits for the same, or any other Justice of the Peace in said county, is fully authroised to try the same in case of refusal or failer of said Gardiner as aforesaid


W B Perry

Clk comr c. c. c

John F Miller

Chief Justice and Pres Board coms

The Republic of Texas

County of Colorado

Be it known that on the 23d day of October A D Eighteen hundred and forty three there was begun and holden in and for said county a special term of the Court of Roads and Revinues Present the Hon John F Miller Chief justice George W Gardner, John Chaney and William David Justices of the Peace, R H Tobin Shff by his

[Book A, page 90]

deputy M Hutchins, and there being no clerk present the court appointed Basil G Ijams Clerk, when the following proceedings were had

There not being a majority of the magistrates present the court adjourned untill to morrow morning 9 oclock

Tuesday morning 9 oclock

Court met pursuant to adjournment, present the Hon John F Miller Chief Justice, William David John Chaney David Ives, Samuel J. Redgate George W Gardner and L C Efenberg Justices of the peace, R H Tobin Shff by his Debuty M Hutchins, and B G Ijams, Clk Protem, when the following proceedings were had

When the court proceeded to the appointment of overseers of Roads

Be it ordered that William Stapleton be appointed overseer of the road leading from Columbus to Lagrange on the west side of Colorado River, and that the hands at the house formerly occupied by William Watts in Columbus, and Jessie Mercers old place and the place where Jacob Tipps now lives and Wm Stapleton and Asa Townsends hands be liable to work on said road

[Book A, page 91]

And that Basil G Ijams be appointed overseer of the Road leading from Columbus to Gonzalas from Columbus to scull Creek and that all that part of Columbus, south of said Road and west of the Road leading Down the river and the hand on John Smothers Place and on B G Ijams place be liable to work on said Road

And that Stapleton Townsend be appointed overseer of said Road from Scull Creek to the west navidad and that all the persons living in the bounds of north of the old Gonzalas Road and south of the county line and west of Scull Creek be liable to work on said road

And that a Road be opened from where M Hutchins formerly lived to James E Silveys and that John Pinchback be appointed overseer of the Road leading from James E Silveys to Columbus on that all persons living west of the colorado river and south of Ratliffs Creek so as to include Wm J Jones and North of the creek that M Hutchenses lived on be liable to work on said Road

[Book A, page 92]

And that Charles Kesler be appointed overseer of the Road from where M Hutchens lived to Scull Creek and that all persons living west of Colorado River and South of Hutchenses Creek and North of Skull creeke be liable to work on said Road

And that Jacob Lynch be appointed overseer of the Road from Scull creek to Dr Sutherlands and that all persons living west of Colorado River and South of Scull Creek and above Dr Sutherlands be liable to work on said Road

And that John Sutherland be appointed overseer of the Road from Dr Sutherlands to the Matagorda line and that all persons living west of Colorado River and below Dr Sutherlands including Sutherland and above the County line be liable to work on said Road

And that a Road be opened from James E Silveys to the Edge of the bottom below James McNairs and that Daniel Miller be appointed overseer of said Road and that all persons living East of Colorado River from Travis Millers to Eagle Lake be liable to work on said road

And that Samuel Montgomery be appointed overseer from the Edge of the Bottom to J S Montgomerys, and the Estate of J F Stocton including Henry Terrell be liable to work on said Road

[Book A, page 93]

And that G M Cottrell be overseer from Montgomreys to Mrs Newmans old place and that all persons living below Stocktons plantation and above Mrs Newmans and East of the Colorado River be liable to work on said road

And that James Osburn be appointed overseer from Mrs Newmans to Dr G G Williamses and that all the persons living below Newmans and above Williams and East of the River be liable to work on said road except the hands of J W Hodge Eli Mercer W J E Heard & Thomas J Read

And that Charles Winfree be appointed overseer of the road from Dr Williamses to the Matagorda line and that all the hands from below Williamses to the line be liable to work on said road

And that John W Hodges be overseer of the road from Eli Mercers to Sutherlands ferry on the Colorado River and that the hands of J W Hodge Eli Mercer W J E Heard and Thomas J Read be liable to work on said road

and that William Alley be appointed overseer of the Road from Columbus to the Bernard on the Sanfelipe Road and that the hands at Leander Beasons Wm Alley Wm David the old tanyard and all the town of Columbus East of the public Square, and H Hadden I James E Wright and the new tanyard be liable to work on said road

[Book A, page 94]

And that George C Hatch be overseer of the road from from the old tanyard to J C Abells and that all the hands East of the River and including G C Hatch and Abells be liable to work on said Road

And that Sion R Bostick be overser of the Road from Suggs Ferry to Stapleton Townsends and that the hands of W Harvey Brown & S R Bosticks hands be liable to work on said road

And that Williamson Daniels be appointed overseer of the road from Columbus to Lagrange commencing at the burnt gin and to work to the county line and that the hands of W Daniels Haskells R Stevensons and John Criers farms be liable to work on said road

And that John Suggs be overseer of the road from Suggs Ferry to the Washington Road and that the hands of John Suggs John Hope Rucker and Asa Smith be liable to work on said Road

And that George B Halyard be appointed overseer of the new road leading from Columbus to Washington to work from the Colorado River to Cummings creek and that the hands of S Carter J W E Wallace M Turner Broadbacks Wm G Hunts Kellers Tinklers R Waddells, Wickle G B Halyard & Stazny be liable to work on said road

[Book A, page 95]

And that Goerge Hearder be overseer of the Road from Cummings Creek to Post oak Point and that all persons living East of Cummings Creek and north of the old San felipee Road be liable to work on said Road Except Staznys

And that Fiend Boatright be appointed overseer of the Road from the west Navidad to [illegible] and that all persons living on the Bowie League and all west of the west Navidad living within two miles of said Road be liable to work on said Road

And that Horace Eggleston be appointed oveseer of the Road leading from Thomas Chadowens to Texana, to work from the Fayette line to Hardy Kings and that the hands of H Eggleston Isaac Mitchell Joel Ponton & Andrew Ponton Philip Howard & Stephen Hicks be liable to work on said road,

And that Samuel Barry be overseer from Kings to the Jackson county line and that all the hands below Kings down including G W L Foley and Mrs Hallett to the Jackson line be liable to work on said Road

And be it ordered that a road be laid out from Arthur Sherrells to Dr Sutherlands ferry and that Samuel Barry John Chaney William Hudgens, Arthur Sherrell, and Wm Mimms be appointed

[Book A, page 96]

commissioners to lay of said Road

Be it ordered by the court that an order issue to all owners of Public ferries be notifying them to appear and give Bond and security by the second monday in January next 1844

Be it ordered by the court that there be Established a Ferry on the Colorado River at or near the ford on the said River on the Road from Columbus to Washington and that Wm R Turner be authorised to take Charge of the same and to keepe the same for twelve months by Entering into bond and security according to law and that the rates of ferriage be the same as are allowed at the Lower Columbus ferry and the said Wm R Turner be allowed to continue the said ferry after the expiration of the twelve month by complying with the requisitions of the law

Be it ordered by the court that there be a ferry Established on the Colorado River above the mouth of Harveys Creek (say about one fourth of a mile) and that John Suggs be authorised to take charge of the same by entering into bond and security according to law, and that the rates of ferriage be the same as are allowed at the Lower Columbus ferry

[Book A, page 97]

Be it ordered by the court that there be a ferry Established at James E Silveys on the Colorado River and that James E Silvey be authorised to take Charge of the same by Entering into bond and security according to law and that the rates of ferriage be the same as are allowed at the lower Columbus ferry

Be it ordered by the court that the ferry now kept by Amsted Carter be allowed to charge no more ferriage that the other ferrys on the Colorado River in said county and that the order allowing the said Amsted Carter to charge Double the highest rate of ferriage be repealed, and that the said Amsted Carter be allowed to charge the same rates of ferriage as is charged at the lower Columbus ferry.

Be it ordered by the court that there be a county tax levied at one fourth of the state tax as now levied by Congress and assessed by the tax assessor of said county for the year 1843

When it appeared to the court that there was a vacancy for an associate Justice when the count went into an Election for to fill said vacancy when

[Book A, page 98]

the votes were Polled and George W Gardner received a majority of all the votes and was declared duly Elected associate Justice of the County Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Jacob Tipps

When the court adjourned sine die

Basil G Ijams

Clk Pro Tem

C. C. R. R. C. C.

John F Miller

Chief Justice C C

Saml J Redgate J. P.

John Cheney J P

William David J. P