Transcription of 1825 Census
Census Report,
Colorado District,
Austin's Colony,
December 31, 1825
(Adapted from Eugene Campbell Barker, ed., The Austin Papers, (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1924), vol. 1, p. 1244, augmented and in a different form, with spelling corrections)
Summary of data:
Total people 201
Male heads of households 59
Female heads of households 1
Wives 25
Sons 39
Daughters 35
Sisters 1
Hired hands 14
Negro servants 6
Other servants 21
Farmers 18
Farmers and stockraisers 19
Tanners 15
Surveyors 1
Carpenters 1
Blacksmiths 1
Gunsmiths 1
List of Families:
Alsbury, Horatio A. (farmer)
Cummins, James (farmer); wife [Rebecca]; daughter [Eliza] 16; daughter [Nancy] 14; son [Willie] 7; daughter 3, daughter 1; three servants
Ross, James (farmer); wife [Mariah]; daughter [Elizabeth] 1; six servants
Holloway, Louis (farmer); wife
Holloway, James (farmer); wife
Harrison, Henry (blacksmith)
Tumlinson, Elizabeth, a widow (farmer); son [John Jackson] 20; son [Andrew] 19; son [Joseph] 14; daughter [Elizabeth] 12
Hopkins, Jonathan (tanner); wife
Gray, Thomas, a widower (tanner)
Duty, George (tanner)
Duty, Joseph (tanner)
DeMoss, John (tanner) wife; daughter 16; sister
Anderson, Asy (tanner); wife; daughter 13; son 11; one servant
Tovar, John (tanner); wife [Theresa]; daughter 10; four servants
Burnam, Jesse (tanner); wife [Temperance]; daughter 11; son 10; son [John] 8; daughter [Minerva] 5; daughter [Nancy] 3; daughter 1; two hired hands
Nalls, Robert (tanner)
Tumlinson, James (tanner); wife [Elizabeth]; son [Littleton] 20; son [James] 18, son [David C.]; son [George W.] 10; son [John] 8; son 5; daughter 4; son 2
Beeson, Benjamin (tanner); wife [Elizabeth]; daughter [Lydia G.] 17; son [Collins] 15; daughter [Nepsey] 14; son [Abel] 11; son [Leander] 9; son [Benjamin] 3; one hired hand, seven servants
Snyder, Gabriel S. (tanner); wife [Polly]; daughter 2; five hired hands
Holloway, Daniel (tanner)
Osborn, Nathan (tanner)
Dewees, William B. (gunsmith); five hired hands
Kuykendall, Robert (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Sarah]; son [Robert] 10; daughter [Molly] 8; daughter 6; son [J. F. Trespalacios] 3
Rabb, William; wife [Mary]; son [Ulysses]; one negro servant
Rabb, Thomas J. (farmer and stock raiser)
Rabb, Andrew (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Margaret]; son [William] 1
Cooper, William
Jackson, Alexander (farmer); daughter [Mary Ann] 12; daughter [Martha] 10; daughter 8; son 7; four negro servants
Kincheloe, William (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Mary]; daughter [Nancy] 15; son 14; daughter [Maria] 14; son [Daniel] 8; son [Augustus] 5
Rawls, Daniel (farmer and stock raiser); wife; son 14; son 10; daughter 5; son 1
Rawls, Amos (farmer and stock raiser); daughter 12; son 8
Rawls, Benjamin (farmer)
Sojourner, Lloyd (farmer)
Chance, Samuel (farmer)
Williams, Thomas (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Nancy]; son [Thomas Johnson] 19; daughter [Nancy] 17; daughter [Mary] 15; one hired hand
Bell, Thomas B. (farmer and stock raiser); wife; daughter 6; daughter 4; son 1; one negro servant
Harrison, A. (farmer and stock raiser); wife; son 15; son 12
Morrison, Moses (farmer and stock raiser)
Burnett, Pumphrey (farmer and stock raiser)
Robinson, Caleb R.
Bowman, John (farmer and stock raiser)
Hunter, Eli (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Sally]
Bright, B. [David] (farmer and stock raiser); wife [Judy]; daughter [Mary] 17; son [George] 15
DeMoss, M. (farmer and stock raiser); wife; son 23; son 22; son 21; daughter 14; daughter 12; daughter 10
DeMoss, Peter (farmer and stock raiser); wife; son 5, daughter 3
Brotherton, Robert (farmer and stock raiser)
Park, William (farmer and stock raiser)
Buckner, Aylett C. (farmer and stock raiser)
Alley, Rawson (surveyor)
Alley, Thomas V. (farmer)
Alley, William (farmer)
Alley, Abraham (farmer)
McNair, James
Cook, James (farmer)
McLain, Andrew W. (tanner)
Petty, John (farmer)
Patton, Robert (carpenter)
Williams, M. (farmer); wife
Osborn, Nathan (farmer)
Toras, Joseph (farmer)